Mikaela Smith is a 2014 graduate from the Lincoln School of Film & Media and works at Blueprint: Film with alumni also from this School – David Brook (Class of 2003, Media Production) and Chris Searson (Class of 2009, CLM/Photography). Mikaela got in touch about a paid Blueprint Film Internship Opportunity 2015 for an experienced programmer to develop a mobile app for iOS and possibly Android.
I am currently a Film Production & Admin intern at Blueprint: Film (it has been doing many workshops with the Media Production students over the last couple of weeks!) and I actually got my job through the University of Lincoln Careers & Employability website. NOW we’ve got a fantastic opportunity to develop some apps with a great client, and are looking for a paid intern to assist on the projects. It’s a great opportunity for someone that is confident in App development and programming to do a 6 month, full time internship that pays above the minimum wage. The start date is flexible, but we’re looking for candidates to start between July & September 2015. CLICK HERE about the brief for the role, which has all the details and contacts to apply for this internship!
Blueprint: Film is an innovative creative agency that have been creating film and multimedia content for almost a decade. Its portfolio of creative media range from feature film to web design. The company is currently in the process of developing multiple apps with “some fantastic clients” and said it is “looking for a confident developer and programmer to assist us on this project. This is a paid internship opportunity which will last for 6 months.”
REQUIREMENTS: Blueprint Film Internship Opportunity 2015
- Confident in programming for iOS (essential) and Android (preferable)
- Design Skills desired, but not essential
- Web programming skills a bonus, but not essential
- We would prefer you to work from one of our offices; either in London (Bethnal Green) or Lincoln, but we are open to the right candidate working remotely
APPLY now, you’ll need to send a cover letter, CV and examples of your work.