From the BA (Hons) Animation teaching team about an educational visit to the Tokyo Anime Award Festival (10th-13th March 2017): In September 2017, the preparations had begun for an educational student trip to Tokyo. A group of 18 students and 2 members of animation staff were part of the trip. The group included students from Lincoln School of Film & Media and other departments within University of Lincoln. Students were joined by senior lecturers in animation, Sultan Efe and Paul Franklin. The purpose of the 5-day educational trip was:
- To attend Tokyo Anime Competition and Festival
- To offer students the opportunity to see the latest Japanese commercial and indie animation films in competition.
- To enable students to gain a knowledge of the wider animation world and see first-hand the quality they must achieve as students and future professionals to carry on in this marketplace.
- To visit Ghibli Museum as part of educational and cultural visit.
- To visit museums, historical and modern sites in Tokyo which reflect the Japanese culture past and present.
This fantastic opportunity would not have been possible without support provided by students, their families and the generous funding for staff development provided by Dr. Sarah Barrow. This experience would not be possible without your continued support. Thanks also to Jane Batkin, Paul Franklin, Neil Housego and Richard Vickers for their support.