From the BA (Hons) Animation teaching team about an educational visit to the Tokyo Anime Award Festival (10th-13th March 2017): In September 2017, the preparations had begun for an educational student trip to Tokyo. A group of 18 students and 2 members of animation staff were part of the trip. The group included students from Lincoln School of Film & Media and other departments within University of Lincoln. Students were joined by senior lecturers in animation, Sultan Efe and Paul Franklin. The purpose of the 5-day educational trip was:
- To attend Tokyo Anime Competition and Festival
- To offer students the opportunity to see the latest Japanese commercial and indie animation films in competition.
- To enable students to gain a knowledge of the wider animation world and see first-hand the quality they must achieve as students and future professionals to carry on in this marketplace.
- To visit Ghibli Museum as part of educational and cultural visit.
- To visit museums, historical and modern sites in Tokyo which reflect the Japanese culture past and present.