Tom Nicholls, LSFM | University of Lincoln Alumni Event, London

TomNicholls-Charlotte Cummins+Rosie Turner-alumnieventI recently attended the University of Lincoln alumni event at the National Liberal Club in London. I must admit to some anxiety as to whether I would recognise alumni from years ago. No problem, Charlotte Cummins – Class of 2006, Media Production (pictured on the left) – recognised me first and though I could not remember her name immediately, I did remember teaching her. 

The event was kicked off by a speech by Mary Stuart, Vice-Chancellor welcoming us all and mentioning Rosie Turner – Class of 2015, Media Production (pictured on the right with Charlotte) – as one of the most recent alumni present.

This was followed by a brief description of his post-Lincoln career by Sebastian Cox (BA Furniture 2009, MA Design 2011). Sebastian started a furniture business in rural Lincolnshire on graduating and has now moved to London with a staff of 5.

Once I had gathered together the LSFM 4. We talked about Lincoln then and now. Continue reading

Charlotte Downie, FTV Student | My Erasmus Exchange in Austria

Charlotte Downie a Film and Television Year 2 undergraduate at LSFM posted about her 3-month Erasmus exchange at Alpen-Adria University, in Klagenfurt. She would recommend this international opportunity, that is open to FTV students only.

On hearing of the chance to live and study in Austria, I knew this was an opportunity I didn’t want to miss. I had never been to Austria, only known people who had been but the chance of learning a new language and to experience a different culture whilst living in the country was an exciting prospect.  

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