Towns in Britain named ‘Book of the Week’ | LSFM’s Chris Matthews

Well done to LSFM’s Chris Matthews.  He said: Our book has been named as London Review Bookshop’s Book of the WeekReally chuffed – couldn’t be better. Job done!’ His good news was shared by Lizzy Mitchell at the University of Lincoln’s Press & Media:

Towns-in-Britain_BookCoverChris Matthews, who is a Lincoln School of Film & Media lecturer, graphic designer and local historian, celebrated the launch of his new book, Towns in Britain, earlier this year.  It was produced in collaboration with town planner and urban designer, Adrian Jones, and published by Five Leaves Publishing (2014). Continue reading

Why don’t U ‘n’ I have a chat about Uni? | From Emily Cowlishaw

So that’s it.  I have completed my final days as an Undergraduate College Ambassador for the LSM – now the Lincoln School of Film & Media (LSFM). After a two year run doing the best job* ever, it unfortunately has to come to an end, along with my degree and experience here at Lincoln. (*Not really a job. It’s a pleasure!) I’ve posted this as A level results have come out and the Clearing process is underway. Clearing Hotline here is 01522 88 66 22.

During my time as a Media Ambassador, I often get asked about my own experience getting into University, the University experience itself and being a part of the School from perspective students.  So I’ve decided that sharing this experience would be a fantastic opening of mine to the School’s blog.

Emily-Cowlishaw_age3Screen ShotThis is me, aged 3. This is the age I allegedly told my mum “When I grow up I want to go to ‘Univbersitcity’”. (That’s University in 3 years old speak!) Yep, cute I know. And yep, I look older here than I do now aged 21…  Nobody in my family had ever attended University, yet it was always something I wanted to do. Why was that? I have no idea. But honestly, in my mind, it was the best decision I ever made and greatest challenge to set myself. Go 3-year-old Emily!

Learn from my mistakes – My advice on selecting the right University and Course!  From that point, I worked extremely hard in school. I’m not going to bore you with my life story (although it is quite exciting), but getting to University was not the smoothest of rides. In Year 9, I had to leave my high school due to its closure because of lack of student intake. I moved to a brand new school where I did not know one single person, daunting! Thankfully, I got through it and settled in very nicely, but it was a very scary time, much like the start of University. Continue reading

Looking China 2014 | Filmmaking Project Review | Marcella Forster

LookingChina2014_BlueLogo Following on from the post on Looking China 2014, our Senior Lecturer Marcella Forster reports on the filmmaking project she undertook in Dalian with LSFM’s four graduating student-producers: During Looking China 2014 we were each asked to sum up our experience in one word. I chose “illuminating”. For me, the scheme shed light on Chinese culture in general and the Dalian way of life in particular. Our young translators and the Chinese filmmakers introduced us to local eateries, locations and people we would not have been able to access as tourists, and for this reason I would recommend the scheme to anyone interested in modern China.

LookingChina2014_airportscheduleWe left Heathrow airport in London with little idea of what to expect in Dalian, other than what we had read on the internet and heard from other travellers. We anticipated good seafood, we hoped the weather would be fine and we wished for a warm welcome. Our hopes were answered, and our wishes were surpassed. A sea of people in lime-green shirts, waving Looking China 2014 banners and cheering, greeted us as we exited Dalian airport over an hour behind schedule (a typhoon had been threatening the city.)  We were whisked away to our accommodation in the postgraduate dormitory of Liaoning Normal University and then taken out for a carousel of dishes at the university’s cultural centre, including some excellent kung pao chicken. We were offered forks but opted for chopsticks. The next morning, wearing our own lime-green Looking China 2014 polo shirts, we attended the launch ceremony at the west campus of the university and had a chance to look at some impressive student work in fashion, animation and art. UK students were then allocated a Chinese producer and a translator and got to work on their projects. Continue reading

Looking China 2014 | Global Filmmaking Project by Uni Students

LookingChina_2014LogoFour of our graduating students, and two students from Cardiff University, along with the University of Lincoln School of Film & Media’s Senior Lecturer Marcella Forster undertook a 16-day filmmaking project in Dalian called Looking China 2014. Its aim was to enhance cultural communication between China and the rest of the world through the art of film.  Soon-to-be Class of 2014 Ash Wilks, Tom McKie, Luke Winter and Alex Whitcombe worked as media producers with fellow student filmmakers from universities in China, America, Australia, India, Singapore, South Korea and France.  

Participating students produced 10-minute films, which were screened at an exclusive ceremony earlier this month. Now the shorts will be shown accross China and worldwide from the USA to the UK. Marcella outlined our students’ short films: Tom displayed to us the architectural heritage and splendour of the city; Alex’s study of the spiritual focus in Dalian’s physical activities introduced us to some captivating characters; Luke captured the young people of Dalian and the fascinating phenomenon of Lightning Play; and you can see Ash’s film here, which brought home to us the care that Dalian workers put into their jobs and the pleasure they derive from them. [Ash, Luke and Tom have their own production company called Wallbreaker, see the services they provide here.]

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Video As Above, So Below | International Drone Culture Colloquium

University of Lincoln Crestvideo about the Drone Culture research event on 24 May at the University of Lincoln (UK) was captured by graduating student Andrew West and 2010 alumnus Steve Young.  The international 1-day event was organised by the School’s Dr Rob Coley, Dr Dean Lockwood and Adam O’Meara.  It was hosted by the 21st Century Research Group at the University of Lincoln (UK) where academics, writers, artists and performers from across the globe discussed the social and conceptual implications of unmanned aircraft.   Andrew West, video producer: I hope this video shows to an extent the atmosphere of the international colloquium throughout the day, which was filmed by Steve Young and me (both from the Lincoln School of Film & Media). As a soon to be postgraduate student I personally took a lot from the event and whilst filming enjoyed listening to the various discussions, arguments and debates around drone culture.

Dr Rob Coley:  Dean, Adam and I would like to say a huge thanks to everyone who attended or otherwise supported the colloquium on drone culture. Continue reading

Aleysha Minns, Class of 2013 | Website | Film, TV & Photography

Aleysha-Minns_20142013 graduate and freelancer Aleysha Minns, who is one of our inspiring LSFM mentors, is now officially self-employed and said: My website is finally live! What a long and interesting journey it has been. I think the mistake I made was starting to set it up too early, I was at a point were my work was still based around my student work and I was only just beginning my freelance career. I am still in the starting stages, but at least I have some credited work. Thank you very much to my web designer/developer Sam Kelham for putting up with me all this time. I definitely recommend him if you need anything like this done and can visit his website here.

This video is a showcase of some of my most recent work including work with Channel 4 and FyreUK. It shows my skills in a range of areas such as Production Management, Camera Operator, Producer and Director over different genres.

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LSM changes to LSFM | The University of Lincoln College of Arts

Lincoln School of Media 20th Anniversary From Friday LSM will become Lincoln School of Film & Media. LSFM will bring together Media Production, Audio Production and Film & TV with Animation and Contemporary Lens Media.

The School’s social media platforms will remain at the links you usually use like this blog, our alumni twitter and school twitter feeds. (We will be adding ‘film’ to our sites to reflect the new name, but rest assured it will still be us!)

The University of Lincoln announced ‘as of 1st August 2014 there will be an exciting new alignment of academic schools in the College of Arts.  It will provide an environment which engenders interdisciplinary research and innovative teaching and will enhance the student experience.’

The College of Arts will be aligned to five schoolsLincoln School of Film & Media (all LSM BA and PG programmes, plus Animation BA (Hons) and Contemporary Lens Media BA (Hons). Continue reading

Ashley Knight on the University of Lincoln’s Alumni Weekend 2014

AshKnight_2009GradLSM 2009 alumnus Ash Knight is a media producer and director of Knightvisions Productions (KVP). It’s a video production indie and Ash said “I’m developing the focus of KVP”, which he’ll update us on later this year. Meanwhile, here’s his review of the University of Lincoln’s first alumni weekend.  Ash writes he had the opportunity to visit the old department where I actually gained my Media Production degree. The advancements in there certainly show why Lincoln School of Media is currently first in the country out of all HE Media Departments. 

copyright Ash-Knight_Waterfront Festival & Fireworks 2014 (Lincoln)

(c) KVP 2014

What a great success for the first Alumni Weekend for University of Lincoln. A big thank you to all those that made it happen and commiserations to those that were unable to make it. This was the University’s first attempt at holding such an event and an amazing time was had by all of those that attended. I heard no rumblings of disappointment by any of the alumni and who could be disappointed when you see some of the great activities and events that were scheduled. Continue reading here and see more photos.

The alumni team is keen to hear your thoughts about the Alumni Weekend 2014 and also what you would like to see at future alumni weekend events. See here to feedback. Thanks!

1000+ days later… Rachel Hagreen on life after LSM & University

Rachael-Hagreen_UpdatedPicWell, that’s it. Somehow three years (or roughly 1018 days) have just passed and University has officially finished with me. The past year has been the best of my life so far, and that is purely down to genuinely loving the course (even the dissertation) and meeting a cracking set of friends following the University trip to Latvia back in October.

As much as I don’t want to leave University life, I now feel completely ready to move on to whatever’s next. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to work on a lot of extra projects (paid and unpaid) during my three years in Lincoln and those are the things that have really given me the confidence that I have now. Whether you’re going into your first or second year, or even final year I can’t express enough how important it is to get that extra bit of experience. The course is fantastic, don’t get me wrong, but there’s going to be a couple of hundred people graduate with the same degree as you in ONE year from that ONE course in Lincoln alone. It’s no secret that jobs are hard to come by in this industry but if you do something extra on the side that will set you apart from those hundreds of other people in the same position as you, it’ll really make a difference when you leave. Continue reading

Video Update | Lincoln School of Media’s HEADSPACE

Headspace_LSM2014 This is a video update on ‘Headspace‘, the Lincoln School of Media’s radio and audio social networking event.  It was successfully organised by Senior Lecturer Zara Healy back in April. The idea was connecting like-minded people on-campus. The networking was between LSM students and industry professionals – some our alumni – from presenters to podcasters. Headspace achieved its aim by providing a great opportunity for 100 participants to chat about any aspect of careers and to build new contacts. This video was created courtesy of two LSM media production students Rory McCarney and Scott Williams at New Media Lincs Social Enterprise.