LSM’s 2013 Graduates – Where Are You Now?

Grad4Sept2013_pic1_Cathedral-door_NKWe like our graduates to keep in touch because we love to hear what you’re up to after University. Many alumni stories and experiences are shared here on the Lincoln School of Media’s blog.

This is a particular call out to 2013 graduates as the Uni of Lincoln is doing a survey to see what alumni are doing six months after completing their courses. So if you’re a 2013 alumnus you can find the survey here. If you know of any 2013 graduates please ask if they’ll get in touch with @Helen_McCarron  01522 837826. Thanks!

NEW for 2014! Student Mentoring by Industry Professionals

Jordan-et-alLSM’s 2009 alumnus Jordan Livermore has kindly volunteered to be one of our industry mentors for our new mentoring initiative, which will pilot in the New Year. Student mentee places are limited (to 20) for our final and second year students, so sign up ASAP! More details are on the Blackboard announcement sent out from Sarah Barrow with the registration form. Sign up via email to the School’s administrator Louise Lawlor.  

Jordan’s also working on student work experience opportunities between the Lincoln School of Media and his TV connections, again thank you to him. So watch this blog!

Congrats from LSM to MACE: It achieves national accreditation

Hot off the University of Lincoln’s Press Office, from Elizabeth Mitchell:

Visit the Mace websiteStaff and student researchers from the University of Lincoln now benefit from access to the UK’s first accredited film archive, after the Media Archive for Central England (MACE) was recognised for its outstanding service.  The Archive Service Accreditation is the new quality standard created to celebrate good performance in service and delivery, and MACE has been named among the first six organisations in the country to receive the quality mark.  The screen archive for the East and West Midlands is housed in the University of Lincoln’s School of Media, and it is the only resource of its kind to receive the award from the UK Archive Service Accreditation Committee, which represents the archives sector nationally.

Midlands on Film DVD CollectionEarlier this year, MACE collaborated with experts from Lincoln School of Media to create a unique series of documentaries, entitled ‘Midlands on Film’. The DVDs celebrated the on-screen heritage of the region. Sarah Barrow, Head of the Lincoln School of Media, said: “We are so pleased to have MACE on our doorstep – the archive offers high quality tangible opportunities to our students, graduates and staff as a base for research and employment. We really look forward to developing that connection at such an exciting time and congratulate the team for achieving this well-deserved recognition of their work.” Continue reading

Christmas Greetings to all our Alumni

Happy Christmas to all our Alumni
from @lincolnmedia – our Twitter Account

LSM Christmas Card

(Clue after leaving Lincoln he went to the National Film and Television School)

(from Chris Hainstock)

L3 Tom Anderson: Article published in Digital FilmMaker Magazine

Tom Anderson_L3MPStudent_15.12.2013I got in contact with Digital FilmMaker Magazine, after buying a copy in WHSmith. They let me write an article talking about the RED camera. The issue is in shops with my 6 page feature article! I’ve never done anything like this before so I was pretty excited to see it in print, therefore I wanted to let you know! Thanks, Tom Anderson. Be proud. An inspirational move by LSM’s final year media production student.

Tom Anderson_DigitalFilmakerMagRead Tom’s article ‘The RED Camera Demystified’, which is published in the 10th Edition (28.11.13) of Digital FilmMaker Magazine.  He shares his five years’ DOP experience of using the RED – the pros and cons of an industry standard piece of camera kit. Tom said: “I’ve been an avid film geek since I was fourteen … fast forward to 2013 and I’m making short films and promotional videos on a regular basis, mainly using the RED Scarlet-X.”  

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11.12.13 Open Day and LSM Graduate Tom Ridgewell ‘TomSka’

TomSkaLSM’s 2011 Graduate Tom Ridgewell has been on campus for today’s Open Day and this evening, in EMMTEC, he’ll be doing a free public talk ‘In Conversation with …”

TomSka has a global following on his YouTube channel with his cartoons, irreverent sketches and short films.  Tom was selected by YouTube as a guest host for its ‘Geek Week’ series last August. He’s also been featured on the cover of Wired Magazine in February 2013 as part of a feature called ‘How YouTube Reinvented the Entertainment Business.’

Here’re snapshots from today …

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‘Lincolnscape’ by student Alex O’Brien at The Little Red Gallery

AP Student AlexO'Brien_LincolnscapeListen to the unique sounds of Lincoln captured by Audio Production third year student Alex O’Brien:

For a project this term I have created a soundscape of Lincoln. All in all it has been a long process and hopefully it will all pay off! It will be showcased at The Little Red Gallery (at the top of steep hill) tomorrow, Thursday 12th December, and starts at 7pm. It is free entry and it would just be great to see some of you there.  You can read and hear more about my Lincolnscape project here.  Many thanks.

Student Opportunity: NEW ‘LSM Festival’ To Showcase Your Work

Alex Capper, Year 2 Student

Alex Capper, Year 2 Student

Hello! You probably won’t have heard much, if anything, about me (I’m one of those elusive Audio folk) but I’m hoping to set up an LSM festival. It would serve as a way to get smaller ideas together to see how they work, perhaps for a bigger third year project, to show off any work you’ve done outside of university which isn’t suitable for a film festival, or for any Audio Prodders who want to create something without feeling they’ve to include a visual part to get it heard. 

It could be as experimental as you like, though we will probably like you to stick to a broad theme – those who went to Frequency where the 2013 theme was ‘Revolution’ will understand how all-encompassing they can be. But visual work will be very welcome, especially if it has an interactive element or needs special, site-specific viewing requirements, but this won’t be a film festival.   Continue reading

Lincoln School of Media’s Student Engagement Champions


Nigel & Graham

Each academic school (and professional support departments, like the Library) now has Student Engagement Champions.  At the LSM we’ve Senior Lecturer Graham Cooper.  Our Academic Subject Librarian Faye Cleminson is also a Student Engagement Champion, and she’s in the video below. Director of Education and Students for the College of Arts is LSM’s Principal Lecturer Nigel Morris.

The Student Engagement Hub said: Student Engagement Champions are tasked with leading their colleagues in embedding a culture of partnership and co-production. The aim’s to engage students meaningfully at all levels of the University.  With the new roll-out to schools, there are lots of colleagues new to the role – with this in mind Student Engagement at Lincoln developed ‘Basecamp’, a training session designed to get everybody off to a great start in the role.  This video shares more about the training, as well as some thoughts from a couple of Champions themselves.

Student Opportunity: Paid Work Experience at New Media Lincs

Hazel DonnellyCall out for student camera and sound operators from Hazel Donnelly, Project Co-ordinator at LSM’s New Media Lincs Social Enterprise. It provides opportunities for students to work collaboratively with local groups:
New Media Lincs require two excellent camera operators and a sound person for PAID work experience on Monday 9th or Tuesday 10th of December for some basic film work and a couple of short interviews.  Due to assessment hand-ins I would prefer that you are a Level Two student.There would also be the possibility of more permanent work experience through this new company.  If you think this is for you, please email me as soon as possible: