Migrants in Europe competition

From Sarah Barrow:

The European Commission has launched the Migrants in Europe Competition with the aim of giving young artists and communicators an opportunity to reflect on the contribution of migrants to European society. The Competition is aimed at students over 18 years old and enrolled in art, journalism, graphic and communication schools in all EU countries and Croatia. Artwork will be judged in three different categories: Posters, Photos, Videos. Prizes of €10,000 are available for the winners in each category, and for the winner of the public vote. Contact sbarrow@lincoln.ac.uk Continue reading

Frequency 2013

From Chris Heighton: Frequency 2013 – Lincoln, 18th to 26th October 2013. You are invited to get involved in Lincoln’s celebration of digital arts and cultures. Where – Zing, LPAC Café-Bar,  When – Monday 29th April, 6 – 7.30pm.  RSVP:  cheighton@lincoln.ac.uk – no later than Monday 22nd April

Frequency 2013 welcomes projects, debates and artworks that explore the theme of Revolution in all its guises and contexts. The Festival serves as a platform and catalyst for provocative projects and activities that will reach across and beyond the city of Lincoln, fuelling expression and debate amongst the widest range of groups. Continue reading

National Student Apprentice Challenge

From Sep Eslahi: Do you have what it takes to be the next Apprentice?  We’re talking £5,000 cash, fast tracks to jobs & exclusive opportunities to be on newspapers and television.

NSA_Flyer_March2012The National Student Apprentice Challenge is one-of-a-kind Entrepreneurial Competition comprised of practical tasks inspired from The Apprentice TV Show for the most creative & ambitious students and young leaders in UK universities.  It’s a great platform to kick-start your career, improve your skills, make new friends, network with successful entrepreneurs and show everyone what you’re made of.

Up for the challenge? Be quick, the deadline’s 30th March 2013Apply here now!

Grant gets Bafta Craft Nomination

From Chris Hainstock:

Just heard that Grant Bridgeman has been nominated along with the ‘Accused’ sound team, in the ‘Best Sound – Fiction’ category of the BAFTA CRAFT AWARDS 2013. Congratulations and good luck to Grant from all in the Lincoln School of Media.

Midlands on Film DVD Series on ITV this week

From Emma Morley at Media Archive of Central England (MACE):

Andy Bevan, a reporter on Central Tonight at 6pm will be doing three reports on the Midlands on Film DVD Series this week – starting today (ITV Central Region):

Tues 26 March, Central Tonight, 6pm: Regenerating Birmingham

Wed 27 March, Central Tonight, 6pm: Rebuilding Coventry

Thur 28 March, Central Tonight, 6pm: Made in Leicester

Midlands on Film was a collaborative project between LSM and MACE.  The DVDs are all on special offer and you can find out about the nine titles in the series here at MACE.

Young Creative Chevrolet Video Talk and Competition

From Sarah Barrow: Monday 15th April, AR0107 / Architecture building, 5pm.

Johann Chan, Arts Editor of Digital Arts will chair a live discussion with guest speaker John Dower, Film & TV Director/Producer and winner of Banff World Television Awards Best Sports Documentary for ‘Thriller in Manila’. No booking – seats allocated on a first come first served basis. The talk is one of four taking place at universities around the UK as part of the Young Creative Chevrolet 2013 competition. Continue reading

Try It or Do It Awards

From Lauren Baillie:

We have made our first four ‘Try it’ awards of £500 through the Social Enterprise project and are excited to support more projects amongst our students, staff and graduates! The awards were made to these individuals for them to progress their projects by carrying out market research.  The projects will hopefully show potential and we may be able to award a further £5000 to begin making the project work longer term. If you have an idea for a project which you would like to discuss further please get in touch with me at lbaillie@lincoln.ac.uk. The project is open to staff, students and graduates (up to one year from graduation.) Download Guidance notes.Download Application Form Continue reading

TODAY: Postgraduate Event and Guest Lecture on Brayford campus

The Graduate School_JBYou can see and discuss the range of Postgraduate courses in the School of Media and School of Journalism today from 5pm in the Emmtec Foyer.  If you can’t make it today, 11th March 2013, you can find out about scholarships and details on PG study from Claire Mann.  Email cmann@lincoln.ac.uk Continue reading

International recognition for Lincoln filmmaker

A leading filmmaker from the University of Lincoln has been shortlisted for a prestigious international award in recognition of his pioneering work to document the on-screen heritage of the Midlands. Andy McKay, Principal Lecturer in Media Production at the Lincoln School of Media, researched and produced Nottingham on Film 1920 -1980 as part of the Midlands on Film series. The DVD has now been named as a finalist in the category for ‘Best Use of Footage in a Home Entertainment Release’ at the FOCAL International Awards 2013. Continue reading

Degree Show 2013 – advance notice

From, Gemma Pass, Chair of the LSM Degree Show Committee 2013

Wednesday 5th to Friday 7th June

This year’s degree show is not just a showcase of the work that we have produced but also a chance to share this work with potential employers. We have structured the show over a three day period with the first being dedicated to sharing our experience with young people from across Lincoln. Continue reading