Call-out for Student Mentors | International Buddy Scheme 2016-17

A great opportunity for our Level One and Two students to mentor an international fresher at Lincoln School of Film & Media in the new academic year 2016-17. International Buddy Scheme 1LSFM International Buddy Scheme (IBS), run by Senior Lecturer Marcella Foster, aims to provide peer support from our students to overseas undergraduates during their first year at the School. Interested? Apply now! Marcella said: Peer student mentors will need to be available for IBS training on Monday 25th April 2016. Continue reading Innovation Lab | Express Interest by 21.04.16 invitation from LSFM’s Senior Lecturer and our alumnus Martyn Thayne about an exciting opportunity – to be part of the next Innovation LabDo you want to spend a day with other creative minds to re-imagine what our lives could look like in the future? Do you want to work alongside an internationally recognised artist to discuss, debate and develop ideas and artwork that might be commissioned as part of the project? is an online creative project that connects and empowers young people across the world to have their say about their rights. People just like YOU. So if you care about democracy, freedom of speech and human rights, join us on Saturday 11th June in Lincoln.  Continue reading

‘Our Lincolnshire’ New App | Choose your heritage objects

MyLincolnshireCollection-AppChoose your Lincolnshire heritage objects, from the Lincoln Imp Brooch to Skegness Model Village, with a new App to help a research project at the University of Lincoln. The team said: selections on ‘My Lincolnshire Collection’ web-app will form part of Our Lincolnshire project’s report, which will gauge people’s perceptions of heritage – what is important to them and what it means to them.

The Our Lincolnshire project team, led by Professors Carenza Lewis and Matthew Cragoe, have now launched ‘My Lincolnshire Collection’, a creative web-app that provides a panel of 100 photographs of interesting and unusual heritage objects from around Lincolnshire, and asks you to create a collection of up to 10 of your favourites. Each object is represented by a photograph and an informative description to help you make your choices, and can be dragged from the panel on 100 into a selection bar at the top of the page. Continue reading

The Forecast (2015) at Cannes | By LSFM Grads, Staff & Students

TheForecast_PhilStevensCongrats! The Forecast (2015) will be at the Cannes Film Festival, 16th-22nd May 2016, Short Film Corner. The film produced by Urban Apache Films was written by 2010 alumni Philip Stevens and Stewart MacGregor. The short has been screened at the London Short Film Festival, Kinofilm Film Festival and it’ll be at the new international IndieLincs Film Festival on 11th and 12th March. Indie-Lincs was established by the University of Lincoln School of Film & Media to champion low budget filmmakers and there will be over 30 shorts screened at Lincoln Performing Arts Centre.

The film was directed by Phil Stevens, who works part-time as a lecturer at the University of Lincoln School of Film & Media. Head of LSFM Dr Sarah Barrow said: Almost everyone on the production team was a member of staff or graduate, and some were LSFM students at the time the film was made last year. Continue reading

International Indie-Lincs Film Festival | Tickets 11 & 12 March

Indie-Lincs-Film-FestivalNews about a NEW international film festival called Indie-Lincs from the Uni’s PR Officer Rob Wildman: Indie-Lincs was established by the University of Lincoln School of Film & Media to showcase the talents of original and creative filmmakers operating on low budgets, including media students from across the UK and overseas. Screenings and awards will take place on the 11th and 12th March 2016.  Indie-Lincs Film Fest Director is LSFM Lecturer in Film Production Dr Mikey Murray:  We have been delighted by the response to our new festival and we are screening over 30 films from all over the world. We genuinely hope that the local community will get behind us and come down to join in. 

Tickets from Lincoln Performing Arts Centre (LPAC) Box Office on the University’s Brayford Pool Campus: £10 for a weekend pass (£6 concession) or £6 (£4 concession) per day.  Age restrictions will apply. Tel: 01522 837 600. See the Indie-Lincs trailer by  Continue reading

LUMAS 2016 Awards | University of Lincoln Media Arts Showcase

Photo: Adam N Fleming

Here’s a round up about the School’s annual showcase and awards ceremony, held on 23rd February, LUMAS 2016.  It was organised by the committee at Lincoln School of Film & Media, led and hosted by our 2015 Graduate events assistant Richard Rumble. See extracts of LSFM students’ work on the LUMAS Submission Showreeel edited by final year student Lyon Owen (on LSFM Industry Mentoring). Slideshow photos are courtesy of the University’s Social Media Officer Georgia-Sian Thompson and the story by PR Officer Cerri Evans:

The glittering black tie evening included screenings of short films, photography, audio work, and animations by students and graduates. Sarah Barrow, Head of the School of Film and Media, said: “As seen through the submissions, showreels and displays at the event, the LUMAS is a fantastic celebration of student creativity, teamwork and achievement, as well as the way staff and students worked together to make the showcase happen.

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Niall Flynn, PhD candidate | Open Library of Humanities Article

Niall Flynn is a PhD Candidate at the University of Lincoln School of Film & Media. His project examines recent approaches to materiality in media theory and in particular to Media Ecologies. Niall-Flynn_PhD_Article_Jan2016Niall’s latest  paper is in an internationally leading journal and it peer-reviews ‘scholarship across the humanities disciplines’.  Niall said: you may be interested in my article on watching subtitled cinema, which has been published by the Open Library of Humanities and it is called An Intimate Encounter: Negotiating Subtitled Cinema

Niall-Flynn-PostGrad-2015The question of subtitling has received little attention in Film Studies, despite being the primary means by which foreign-language cinema is experienced. Current literature focuses on important matters of language and translation, but there are other aspects that exceed these matters when we watch subtitled films, aspects which are able to affect and move viewers without relying on explanation through translation. My paper shows how viewers have to negotiate these affective elements in order to apprehend foreign-language films, with special attention on their indeterminate characteristics that escape representation. Continue reading →

Chloe Ambrose, Student | Creative Skillset Course at MediaCity

Chloe-Ambrose_LSFM_studentA LSFM Facebook notification alerted my attention: ‘FREE spaces available on a Creative Skillset Children’s Production Co-ordinator Course in MediaCity’. I clicked. Expanding the information, it dawned on me that the requirements I needed were not things held on my CV: ‘at least one year’s experience as a production assistant, production secretary, runner, and assistant location manager’. Despite this, I emailed the course and was reassured by a lovely lady that the course was very flexible in accepting those with equivalent university experience, and put me down for a place. But then came another dilemma. I was filming a wedding on the 22nd and therefore could not attend the assessment day. This was a big concern as for the course to be ‘free’ I had to participate in all three days or I would have to pay £350. My free place was looking impossible. So, I called explaining my circumstances. Once again, I was welcomed with a surprising flexibility and understanding of my situation. Here, I was allowed to partake in the 2 days’ training and be assessed via email or phone. Result! But wait… how would I get there? Continue reading

Clementine Cousins, AP Student | Radio Industry Trip

Lincoln School of Film & Media’s Audio Production Year 2 undergraduate Clem Cousins shared her post about a radio visit with her fellow students last month:
Clementine.AP-post_Jan2016I went on a trip to look around Absolute Radio, BBC Radio 1 and BBC Radio 1Xtra. As soon as we made our way off the coach, we walked over to Absolute Radio. We were greeted in reception and were shown upstairs to a room for a talk with Chris, Eloise and Kevin. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about how they first started out in the industry and the different job roles they had before coming to Absolute Radio.

Afterwards, we were split into two groups and given a tour around the building. It was amazing seeing all of the studios. Continue reading

LSFM Student Opportunity | Industry Mentoring 2016-17

It’s time for our undergraduates to REGISTER for LSFM Mentoring – to start in the new academic year 2016-2017.  This School-Industry initiative is a fab opportunity for TWENTY selected students to be mentored by a professional who volunteer their time from the world of work.  The call-out is for Lincoln School of Film & Media 2nd and 1st year students from animation, audio production, film & TV, media production and photography to apply NOW! Just download this form: LSFM_STUDENT-REGISTRATION-FORM_2016-2017

Mentoring_Oct2014Remember there are ONLY 20 student places for the new academic year. So please return your form by 12-noon on Tuesday 22nd March to Louise Lawlor via email. If selected as a student-mentee you must be available to attend the 1-hour induction on-campus. It will be on Wednesday afternoon from 4pm to 5pm and it is likely to be either Week 5 or Week 6 in Semester A (2016-2017).  Continue reading