Photography presentation: Colin Reiners

From Colin:

You are invited to a presentation and critique of work in progress.

“Within the post modern critical landscape, has observational still photography lost its potency or is it just too ambiguous and misunderstood?”

6pm, February 6th, Room MC2131, Brayford campus

Regards, Colin

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LSM 2011 highlights

It’s been quite a year back on the Brayford:

Andrew Elliott organised a conference, Rethinking Epic, at Lincoln in July, with a line-up that included renowned international scholars in film history (Jeffrey Richards, Robert Burgoyne).

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Script writing news

From Marcella Forster, some current opportunities for scriptwriters to write for BBC Television programmes, posted on the National Association of Writers in Education website.
Check out the links carefully – all these schemes have strict entry conditions.

BBC Talent Award for recent graduates: Are you the next Debbie Horsfield or Paul Abbott? BBC North Developing Talent in partnership with BBC writersroom is delighted to announce this development opportunity for student / recent graduate drama writers.

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News for regional film makers

Marcella Forster

Following the demise of the UK Film Council, Marcella Forster writes:

You’ve probably heard that the UK Film Council is being replaced by something called Creative England. It looks like EM Media will be absorbed into one of the three new regions – will we be central or north, though?
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Meet the Graduates: LSM AlumniFest 2010

In organising the first ever Lincoln School of Media’s ‘Meet the Graduates’ event I have sourced a variety of content from our alumni – from graduation day photos and shots at work to interviews with us in the studio and on location. As part of my Masters [in digital media] I decided to experiment with convergence in some media technological areas I had not done before. After trying to squeeze a lot of practice into a short space of time here is my digital mash up to promote the AlumniFest on Wed 10 Nov 2010.

Meet the Graduates: LSM AlumniFest 2010 from RWright on Vimeo.

Prince Charles and me (Chris Hainstock)

I have worked on dozens of dramas, countless documentaries and a myriad other types of programmes, but throughout my career as Editor at the BBC, there was one constant – namely various encounters with the Royal Family. Continue reading

Sarah Barrow – first impressions

Dr. Sarah Barrow

Sarah recently joined the Lincoln School of Media as Head of School, taking over from David Sleight. She kindly agreed to share her first impressions of Lincoln, the university and the LSM, and to suggest how the school and its alumni network might develop:

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The Lamb & Flag: update

From Marcella Forster:

This is just to let you know that The Lamb and Flag, the short film I made with the assistance of many members of staff and students, is screening at two festivals this August:

Heart of England International Film Festival

Washougal International Film Festival in Vancouver, Washington, USA

Marcella lectures at the Lincoln School of Media; she writes and produces her own films.

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

Neil Kendall

Neil Kendall

What are KTPs? Neil Kendall explains a Government scheme which aims to bring together graduates and businesses.

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An Interview with Marcella Forster

Somehow, Marcella Forster manages to combine teaching in the school with award-winning film making.

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