Midlands on Film DVD Series on ITV this week

From Emma Morley at Media Archive of Central England (MACE):

Andy Bevan, a reporter on Central Tonight at 6pm will be doing three reports on the Midlands on Film DVD Series this week – starting today (ITV Central Region):

Tues 26 March, Central Tonight, 6pm: Regenerating Birmingham

Wed 27 March, Central Tonight, 6pm: Rebuilding Coventry

Thur 28 March, Central Tonight, 6pm: Made in Leicester

Midlands on Film was a collaborative project between LSM and MACE.  The DVDs are all on special offer and you can find out about the nine titles in the series here at MACE.

International recognition for Lincoln filmmaker

A leading filmmaker from the University of Lincoln has been shortlisted for a prestigious international award in recognition of his pioneering work to document the on-screen heritage of the Midlands. Andy McKay, Principal Lecturer in Media Production at the Lincoln School of Media, researched and produced Nottingham on Film 1920 -1980 as part of the Midlands on Film series. The DVD has now been named as a finalist in the category for ‘Best Use of Footage in a Home Entertainment Release’ at the FOCAL International Awards 2013. Continue reading

Postgraduate Student Conference 2013

Graduate-SchoolFrom Catherine Hughes at the Graduate School:  We will be hosting the 7th Annual Postgraduate Student Conference on 18th April 2013 at Riseholme Park Conference Centre in Lincoln.

Postgraduate refers to all PG students, including Masters Taught and Research as well as Professional Doctorates and PhDs. All staff including professional and support staff are welcome, as are undergraduate students.  See here for conference details and to book your place.


Sound Masterclass with LSM’s Grant Bridgeman

Grant-Bridgeman_2The BFI Academy Course, run by LSM in conjunction with CfBT Education Services, is offering 16-19 year olds the opportunity to learn about film making from high quality tutors and professionals who work in the industry.

Like the Sound Masterclass, which is being delivered by Grant Bridgeman who works professionally in the film and television industry – both as a location sound recordist and in post production (sound design / dubbing) – and he’s also a part-time lecturer in the LSM. Grant said he has “been recording and manipulating sound since 14, and been passionate about sound and music ever since”.

Grant said:  This Saturday’s Sound Masterclass will (in 90 minutes) try to put across the importance of sound in film and TV: how it can transform a scene (both for the good and the bad), render a location shoot worthless, and make you realise that without sound, cinematography is just a series of still photographs. There will be an introduction to equipment, basic techniques and recording levels, followed by a short practical to go record a short piece to camera with dialogue – the results / problems / lessons learnt will be discussed.

The mantra of the day is: “No one walked out of the cinema, whistling the wide shot”.
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Last few hours for the Ritz campaign

From Chris Hainstock

If you feel able to support this local community Cinema project, please help. Continue reading

School News

From Sarah Barrow:

More and more of our students are signing up for the Lincoln Award  – a great scheme to help them think about all those extra-curricular things which could be of use when looking for a career and/or further study. If you are interested, just contact Jess Shields – jshields@lincoln.ac.uk. Details of the scheme can be found here. Continue reading

History on Television book

Routledge, 2013

Routledge, 2013

This book is a good read if you’re interested in the process involved in the representation of history on television. It is a culmination of an AHRC-funded research project, called ‘Televising History 1995-2010’, by Professor of Cultural Studies Ann Gray and Senior Lecturer Dr Erin Bell.

Erin said their book “considers the representation of the past on television through factual programming.  Beginning with the question ‘why does history on TV look the way it does?’, and drawing on interviews with media professionals, historians, archivists and archaeologists, as well as undertaking analysis of a range of factual programming, from Who do you think you are? to Timewatch.   Continue reading

Jobs at WFTV

WFTV Home PageWomen in Film and Television, the leading membership organisation for women working in creative media in the UK, is looking for two exceptional candidates to fill key full-time roles, working to CEO Kate Kinninmont, and helping to build on the outstanding success of the company. Full details. Continue reading

Grant talks about working on “Mr Selfridge”

As well as working as a lecturer in the LSM, Grant Bridgeman is in demand as a professional broadcast sound recordist. He recently worked on ITV’s smash hit, Mr Selfridge.

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150 personal stories of how university changed lives


Cover: Trentham Books

This is Professor Mary Stuart’s book about the history of higher education in the UK.  The Vice Chancellor of the University of Lincoln used real-life personal experiences from those who were the first people in their family to go to University. Mary said “I have tried to illustrate how higher education can and does transform the life chances of individual people from the humblest of backgrounds.”

The book titled ‘Social Mobility and Higher Education: The life experiences of first generation entrants in higher education is a culmination of a research project.  It features autobiographical accounts from 150 people about how getting a degree changed their life chances.   Continue reading