Bing is a graduate from a few years ago and a very successful YouTuber. He came to give a talk for level 2 digital media today and Martyn Thayne covered the session on Twitter.
The main points: Continue reading
Bing is a graduate from a few years ago and a very successful YouTuber. He came to give a talk for level 2 digital media today and Martyn Thayne covered the session on Twitter.
The main points: Continue reading
The 23rd of January was the first graduation day of 2013 for the University of Lincoln. As part of the LSM’s alumni team, I find it‘s a great opportunity to capture the event. Although I have to admit that I have never attended the January ceremonies at Lincoln Cathedral, until now. Today I was fortunate to see graduation from a different perspective – as a postgraduate student. So, as I warm up now with a glass of mulled wine and raise it to all alumni, I thought I’d post a couple of photos taken by my nearest and dearest.
Taking centre stage was actor John Hurt CBE who received an Honorary Doctorate of Arts. Perhaps you can spot the Head of the LSM Sarah Barrow, and how about anyone else pictured?
Bryan Rudd, Principal Lecturer in Media Production and Programme Leader for BA (Hons) Audio Production, was interviewed yesterday by David Burns on BBC Radio Humberside’s morning show. (15/01/13)
It has been a fantastic experience to be part of a collaborative project between the LSM and MACE (Media Archive for Central England) because I could do what I love best and produce creative content. My industry passion is producing programmes on whatever platform, and this project was to promote the archives held at MACE into a DVD series. There are nine DVDs and each is based on a city in the Midlands. As part of the LSM teaching team, I had multicultural Leicester which can be traced back almost 2,000 years – thankfully the archives only dated back to the 1920s! Continue reading
Dan Frodsham created a heritage documentary called ‘The Forty’ which charts the painstaking work of conserving an exquisite Renaissance fresco in Famagusta, Cyprus. The conservation project was filmed last summer by Dan, and post-produced at Lincoln School of Media by students and recent graduates, Warren Hayward, James Martin, Gideon Marriott and Leanne Bacon.
I have just come across some great intern and training opportunities that Channel 4 are running:
Lincoln School of Media is proud to have been successful with its bid – submitted jointly with CfBT to become one of 24 Regional Partners selected to deliver a BFI Film Academy for 16-19 year olds between Jan-March 2013.
This is a fantastic achievement and recognition of our growing reputation, our commitment to giving young people the best opportunities in film production, and of our established work with schools and colleges.
Thanks and well done to Senior Lecturer Brian Hall who worked so hard on the bid and to all who supported and/or will soon be involved! There will be opportunities for LSM students to work as crew to support the Academy between Jan and March 2013 – application details to come.
The scheme is funded by the Govt’s Dept of Education.
Martyn Thayne (class of 2008 / 2010) is pleased to announce that a revised version of his MA thesis, On Participation: A Critical New Media Analysis, has recently been published and is available here.
Here’s a quick overview: Continue reading
LSM Senior Lecturer Chris Hainstock has been accepted onto the Guild of British Film and Television Editors, and will appear in due course on their list of members.
Well done Chris – fantastic and well deserved recognition of your skills, experience and expertise.
I’m also delighted to announce that, against stiff competition from top class scholars from around the world, Rob Coley impressed a panel of 2 Pro-Vice Chancellors, 1 Dean of Research, 1 Faculty Director of Research and me … and was offered the post. He accepted!
Rob’s post represents a significant and very much appreciated sign of confidence in LSM generally, in our research agenda (aligning theory and practice), and in our imminent REF submission.
From Dr Sarah Barrow, Head of School:
Congratulations to all our technical support and loans colleagues who collect their Team Achievement Award from the Vice Chancellor in EMMTEC today!
The award is being made in recognition of all their hard work to support us and our students and the many new initiatives rolled out last year.
In addition, LSM came in the top 5 (out of 85) of all UK Media-related courses for learning resources in the recent National Student Satisfaction Survey.
Lincoln Visiting Professor for Film, Neil Sinyard, will give a lecture on Woody Allen entitled ‘Music, Magic, Murder: the later films of Woody Allen’ at the Base Youth Arts Centre, Church Square, Scunthorpe, on Sunday 18th November at 2.30 p.m. Continue reading