LSFM Alumni Network | Jobs! Register for Graduate Prospects

It’s Graduation Day 20.01.16. Congratulations to our creatives and welcome to our LSFM Alumni Network. Connect with us: Blog | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook.  University of Lincoln alumni who’re job-hunting can see Graduate Jobs on the Uni’s Prospects site, just sign-in! [online issues, do email the team]

See Internships like this PAID one at Social Change UK, which is based in Lincoln. Thanks Ammar Mesari for getting in touch with us here on the blog about their Media Production Executive InternshipThe role is part of the Uni of Lincoln’s Graduate Internship Scheme. So 2015 or 2014 alumni are eligible to apply for this creative full-time position:  ‘your job will be to plan, script, film and edit video content, create voiceover and produce audio products (such as podcasts) and lead on digital output.’  Continue reading

Chris Riley, Visiting Professor & Filmmaker | Short Poyekhali!

Visiting-Prof-Chris-RileySee the short for British European Space Agency astronaut Tim Peake to mark his first orbit of the Earth, today 15.12.2015 at 11.03 GMT. Poyekhali! (2015) is made by filmmaker, who is the University of Lincoln’s Visiting Professor, Chris Riley. The film was created in collaboration with composer Úlfur Eldjárn. “Poyekhali! blends Yuri Gagarin’s preparations for his first historic orbit of the Earth on the 12th April 1961 with those of British astronaut Tim Peake as he prepares to leave from the same space port on the 15th December 2015, to make his own first orbit.” #ForTim  #Principia

See the UK Space Centre site for the Principia Mission.

Emma Bridgewood, Student | Film Experience, The Nativity Factor

Emma-Bridgewood-workexp-NATIVITY-FACTOR-Logo_ITN-ProductionsThe weekend of the 28th November I was lucky enough to be one of 4 people from across the UK to win work experience with ITN Productions, making a Christmas Short Film for The Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts.  Everyone’s competition entry for The Nativity Factor was very boring and consisted of them blabbing on about how they did Media Production, and needed work experience. I took this in to consideration – after all, Media is all about standing out from the crowd – so turned myself into an elf, and made my entry. Thanks to my charm and comedic twist on the brief I won!

The work experience was all paid for, and I was whisked away to London staying in a hotel for 2 nights in Edgware. On Saturday morning I met with the Producers from ITN Productions as well as David Schneider, our Director for the day. Continue reading

Rachel Sweet, Class of 2014 | Creator Sweet Essence Media

Rachel-Sweet-GraduateDuring my final year at Lincoln School of Film & Media (2014) I worked solo on projects and this was all down to what I could personally do, to understand what are my strengths & weaknesses – of course I loved every moment of working in a group because it was an extraordinary experience & I will never forget the people I once worked with.  I have always been passionate with my work & I have loved the feeling of having the freedom of what I can produce, so I discovered a few weeks after graduation I could develop my own business. The planning process of creating a business took me just over a year to establish, it has been a long & winding road over the last twelve months but it has been worth the time & in order to build a business you need to be 100% in what you are doing you need to be sure that everything meets the criteria.

I got guidance from multiple sources while I was in the “thinking” stages of starting up a business & they were much needed, I have attended meetings from the (Uni) Careers & Employability team. Continue reading

Lucy Baldock, LSFM Student | TV work experience

Lucy-Bladcock_Student-experienceI’m interested in floor managing and I know someone who works on The One Show so he put me in contact with the floor manager.  I was lucky enough to be offered work experience and be able to go to London to see behind the scenes of The One Show and This Morning. I had a really interesting, enjoyable and rewarding experience.

The first place I visited was The One Show studio at BBC New Broadcasting House near Regent Street. My afternoon was very exciting, I started off by watching one of the editors editing together a VT about the Children In Need Rickshaw challenge. I found it intriguing to see how VTs are put together for a successful prime time show like the One Show. I then went on to shadow the Floor Manager, where I attended a production meeting with him, the director, editor, two presenters Matt Baker and Alex Jones as well as a few other crew members. Continue reading

Alumni at Standby Productions | Vote! Talk of Manchester Award

Chloe-Ward_Grad2014 Graduate Chloe Ward is a Producer at Standby Productions. She has good news on the indie, set up by 2005 alumnus Simon Owen, and it needs your vote to clinch a business award:  We’ve been nominated for a Talk of Manchester Award, under the category of ‘Best Video Production Co.’ The award is decided based upon public votes and voting closes THIS Friday. We’d really appreciate it if you could share our news and VOTE!

Standby in category 14 Best Video Production Co. | Vote:

We’ve created a campaign film for our nomination in the TOM awards to spread the word and gain crucial votes – we jumped at the chance to do something different. We shot the cheesiest and most sarcastic film we could and it came out beautifully!

Rachel Hagreen, Class of 2014 | Kickstarter How To Kitchen

Rachelhagreen-HTK-episode1Things got a bit manic for me in July. After sadly being made redundant from Videojug Networks, I was forced to look for a new job.  I was extremely lucky to secure myself a role as shooting researcher at Diagonal View almost straight away and it was the How To Kitchen channel that landed me the role.  The channel showcased knowledge of production that led to them creating a role that involves shooting, editing and scriptwriting on a daily basis, allowing me to have a perfect balance of desk-work and practical camera work.

Due to all the stress that comes with searching for and starting a new job, the How To Kitchen channel had to be put to rest for a while and each time we considered bringing it back, we were filled with fear and flashbacks of the last shoots where we were too poor and too busy to leave the house… Alexander Whitcombe and myself seriously considered scrapping the whole channel on a number of occasions but ultimately we decided it had too much potential to throw away just yet. So we made the difficult decision to launch a Kickstarter campaign: How To Kitchen is an online cooking channel that creates original recipes inspired by TV and film. Pledge your support?

Continue reading

Rosie Turner, Class of 2015 | Work-life since leaving Lincoln

RosieTurner_2015GradSince leaving Lincoln and heading down to London, these past few months have been unbelievably busy! At the moment I have just taken on a contract as an Assistant Producer with Social Life, a social media agency based in London, founded by Ex Radio 1 social leads. Our clients include MTV UK, X Factor, First Dates, CBBC and Red Bull Media to name a few. My role involves a bit of everything as we are a start-up business! My average week will consist of meetings with clients, developing social media strategies, video editing, photography, planning the filming of gigs with our music clients, organising schedules for the press launches of TV shows and booking locations for events!

I progressed to the role after finishing my trainee scheme at Channel 4 as a freelance Social Networker alongside my degree. Continue reading

Jack Johnston, Class of 2009 | BBC Production Award

Congrats to our alumni who work on BBC TV’s Springwatch on winning an in-house award for the most sustainable production team. 2009 Media Production Graduate Jack Johnston’s role was Lead Edit Assist (now Editor on BBC World Wide versions of the show). He said: 12088195_649740769988_6136445753219117447_n Springwatch is a three week Live Natural History TV event with 12 BBC Two shows as well as a multitude of online and red button shows broadcasting 24 hours a day. With huge numbers of live cameras set up across a nature reserve, a production team of over 100 people and miles of cables, it’s an exciting production to be a part of.

Jack SpringwatchI graduated from Lincoln back in 2009 and have now been working on the “Watches” in post production for a year. Laurence Whitaker joined the team early in 2015 as part of the research team. After talking in the office one day we found out that we had in fact both graduated from Lincoln, Laurence in 2011. The series this year went very well, drawing in fantastic viewing figures and giving birth to a new national hero, Spineless Si, a tiny stickleback fish who just wanted to be a good father!   Continue reading

Anna Leask, LSFM Student | Looking China 2015 Diary & Doco

LookingChina2015-AnnaLeask-on-locationAnna Leask was one of six student-producers from the University of Lincoln School of Film & Media who were selected to take part in Looking China 2015. ‘This was the biggest adventure I have ever had and I will remember every minute of it’ – that was the last entry in her diary to record her time on this global film -making project, which aimed to enhance cultural communication between China and the world through the art of film.  Anna said:  This is a ten minute documentary film I made in Chengdu/China for the Looking China 2015 project. I worked with two Chinese volunteers who helped to organise locations and translate for me.  I was cinematographer, sound, director and editor.  My film is about Sichuan Embroidery in Anjing Town.  It focuses on the workers and their stories.

Anna will be in her third year studying Media Production in the new academic year 2015-16 at the University of Lincoln (UK). She has shared her diary during the Looking China Project.  Continue reading