Gemma Lowe, Class of 2012 | Career in Communications

IGemmaLowe-2017pic’ve been following the LSFM blog and it is great to see what everyone has been up to since graduating; it seems a long time ago since I was the one wearing the gown in 2012 and it is amazing how much can happen in in five years! I have worked in a number of roles since graduation, some that were directly linked to where I am now and some that helped me get here even though I didn’t know it at the time.

Following the school radio project in the third year of my Media Production degree, I’ve had an interest in education. Initially, I wasn’t sure how I could combine this with my interest in media but I decided to just take any opportunities that came my way and see where I ended up! Continue reading

Guerilla Film Makers’ Masterclass

From Chris Jones:

The Guerilla Film Makers Masterclass 2013: Rise Of The Micro Crew is a two day event designed to get you making YOUR movie NOW! It will help you avoid mistakes, it will save you money and it will guide you through the seemingly infinite choices that lay ahead…

When – June 15th / 16th
Where – Regents College, central London
How much – £79 early bird (£135 normal price)

Full details

Who is Chris Jones?

Alumni post produce heritage film

Recent LSM graduates, Warren Hayward, James Martin, Gideon Marriott and Leanne Bacon had some valuable work experience contributing to the post production of ‘The Forty’, a film made by  Lecturer Dan Frodsham. The film charts the painstaking work of conserving an exquisite Renaissance fresco in Famagusta, Cyprus. Dan sent us an update on the film’s success:

‘The Forty’ had a very successful World Monuments Fund screening at the Empire State Building in New York yesterday (11 Dec). Continue reading

BAFTA survey responders criticise TV careers advice

Thanks to LSM graduate Jordan Livermore for this story:

“A new research report released today by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) reveals that young people are needlessly being discouraged from pursuing a career in film, television or games – with talented young people from lower socio-economic backgrounds and women at particular risk of being lost to these industries. Careers in film, television and games are popular first choices amongst young people………  However, one in five (20%) of all respondents found accessing careers advice difficult or impossible, and ……. the majority (64%) felt the advice was too general and almost half (49%) felt the advisor did not know enough about the industry in question.” Continue reading

KTP Associate Opportunity (York)

From John Mateer, York University

We are looking to recruit an Associate for a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between TFTV and Green Screen Productions, a commercial feature film production company based in York. The post is ideally suited to a recent Masters graduate from a film or TV related course (e.g., MA Film and TV Production, MSc Visual Effects, etc.). Salary is between £21,802 and £25,251 per annum, with a two year contract. The closing date for applications is 1 November 2012. Details

LSM 2011 highlights

It’s been quite a year back on the Brayford:

Andrew Elliott organised a conference, Rethinking Epic, at Lincoln in July, with a line-up that included renowned international scholars in film history (Jeffrey Richards, Robert Burgoyne).

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Script writing news

From Marcella Forster, some current opportunities for scriptwriters to write for BBC Television programmes, posted on the National Association of Writers in Education website.
Check out the links carefully – all these schemes have strict entry conditions.

BBC Talent Award for recent graduates: Are you the next Debbie Horsfield or Paul Abbott? BBC North Developing Talent in partnership with BBC writersroom is delighted to announce this development opportunity for student / recent graduate drama writers.

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Ash Knight, class of 2009

Ash Knight

Ash, who graduated in BA Media Production, will see his first Broadcast Credit soon on Sky. He was the main editor for the ‘Learn to Paint Watercolour’ series with Billy Showell and Geoff Kersey 

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New Demo planned in Lincoln – Update

Latest from Lincoln Students’ Union (Dan Derricot):

“You may be aware that local MP Karl McCartney has pulled out of his constituency advice surgery tomorrow at the last minute, in an attempt to avoid his constituents expressing their concern at his support for tripling tuition fees, slashing public funding and abolishing Education Maintenance Allowance.  
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Kirsty Armstrong, class of 2007

Kirsty with a friend

I’m not sure when I plan to return to the UK, or if I ever will long term. I like to go by the theory that you only live once and you should seize every opportunity while you can, so for the time being at least Beijing is my home!

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