20 Grads for 20 Week Advanced Film Course | Lincoln Film School

An exciting new industry-backed Lincoln Film School (LFS), based at the Twickenham Film Studios in South West London, is being run by the LSM for passionate filmmakers.

LincolnFilmSchool_TwickenhamStudios_LOGO-croppedOver twenty weeks, from 22 September 2014 to 28 February 2015, you’ll learn advanced film production with industry professionals. The course fee is £9,500 for the 3-terms and LSM graduates or University of Lincoln alumni can apply for a 10% discount. Leading the new LFS is Lincoln School of Media’s Senior Lecturer Brian Hall, a Cinematography pro, who said that places are limited to 20 graduates at TW1, so get in touch with him ASAP! Here’s Brian’s official LFS Invitation to Graduates (both graduating students and alumni):

“The University of Lincoln School of Media is delighted to be able to offer you the opportunity of a place on our industry-sponsored advanced practical film making course, delivered by LSM via the Lincoln Film School and based at the famous Twickenham Film Studios (TW1). Continue reading