Ben Atkinson, Class of 2013 & 2015 | Creative Director, Tall Lime

When I graduated in 2013 I have to admit at first, I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to do with myself career wise. The three years I’d spent at LSFM were so intense when it came to both student work and throwing myself into external projects, like co-founding the student radio station Brayford Radio, that it was weird for everything to suddenly just stop. I’d also faced a very clear dividing line in my interests during third year, choosing to focus on radio (my passion) but at the same time marrying it with digital media (where I thought my skills were best placed career wise). In the end the first thing I decided to do was take a break from everything and visit friends in Latvia that I’d made during a trip to Finland for the MC2020 project in my final year, and on my return I applied for an internship at the University.

Applying for the internship seemed to make perfect sense for me at the time because the one stipulation I had set myself when I graduated was to stay in Lincoln. Continue reading

LSFM Alumni Network | Jobs! Register for Graduate Prospects

It’s Graduation Day 20.01.16. Congratulations to our creatives and welcome to our LSFM Alumni Network. Connect with us: Blog | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook.  University of Lincoln alumni who’re job-hunting can see Graduate Jobs on the Uni’s Prospects site, just sign-in! [online issues, do email the team]

See Internships like this PAID one at Social Change UK, which is based in Lincoln. Thanks Ammar Mesari for getting in touch with us here on the blog about their Media Production Executive InternshipThe role is part of the Uni of Lincoln’s Graduate Internship Scheme. So 2015 or 2014 alumni are eligible to apply for this creative full-time position:  ‘your job will be to plan, script, film and edit video content, create voiceover and produce audio products (such as podcasts) and lead on digital output.’  Continue reading