National Student Apprentice Challenge

From Sep Eslahi: Do you have what it takes to be the next Apprentice?  We’re talking £5,000 cash, fast tracks to jobs & exclusive opportunities to be on newspapers and television.

NSA_Flyer_March2012The National Student Apprentice Challenge is one-of-a-kind Entrepreneurial Competition comprised of practical tasks inspired from The Apprentice TV Show for the most creative & ambitious students and young leaders in UK universities.  It’s a great platform to kick-start your career, improve your skills, make new friends, network with successful entrepreneurs and show everyone what you’re made of.

Up for the challenge? Be quick, the deadline’s 30th March 2013Apply here now!

London Screenwriters’ Festival

DetailsFrom Chris Jones: Want 6 Months Screenwriting Mentoring? As part of our ongoing commitment to developing the UK’S best screenwriting talent, we have teamed up with our friends at Script Angel to offer this six month program as a prize for a 2013 LSF delegate. If you win, your mentor will be seasoned pro and founder of Script Angel, Hayley McKenzie Full details.

Try It or Do It Awards

From Lauren Baillie:

We have made our first four ‘Try it’ awards of £500 through the Social Enterprise project and are excited to support more projects amongst our students, staff and graduates! The awards were made to these individuals for them to progress their projects by carrying out market research.  The projects will hopefully show potential and we may be able to award a further £5000 to begin making the project work longer term. If you have an idea for a project which you would like to discuss further please get in touch with me at The project is open to staff, students and graduates (up to one year from graduation.) Download Guidance notes.Download Application Form Continue reading

Ideas Tap funding for new films

Do you have a vision for a short film you’d love to make but no dosh with which to do so?  Then this is the brief for you. We’re offering eight IdeasTap members £5,000 funding each and expert mentoring to turn their short film ideas into reality. Narrative, documentary, conceptual, a music video, animation – the format is down to you – what we’re looking for are engaging and, above all, original ideas. The closing date is March 28th. Full details

Design Assistant Vacancy

Odin Retail Ltd (Polarn O. Pyret) are looking for a design assistant in Lincoln. The salary is up to £20,000 depending on skills. To apply: CV and cover letter to with 2 portfolio examples – one HTML example and one graphic design piece. Closing date 14/04/2013

The primary function of the role is to design, build and deliver customer e-newsletters using HTML and to design printed materials such as posters, flyers, brochures, membership cards and gift vouchers for our special brand of children’s wear.  Job specification

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Wipe some debt from your student loan

Check it out hereFrom Ideas Tap:

Saddled by student debt? Whether you’re a first-year student or a graduate, if you embarked on a BA or BMus in 2006* or later, you could benefit from having £9,000 wiped off your Student Loans Company balance by IdeasTap.

For a chance to win, simply tell us in 100 words or less what you could offer to IdeasTap’s network in exchange for the money. It could be an idea or a service, for example “This is how you could improve your site…” or “I’ll run this Spa event for your members…” – the more imaginative, original and feasible the idea, the better!

Creative Skillset

Creative Skillset is the industry body which supports skills and training for people and businesses to ensure the UK creative industries maintain their world class position.

If you’re working in one of these industries, they have information and resources to help you take your career to the next level. If you’re just starting out, you’ll find information on all the different jobs out there to help you decide which one is right for you.

Documentary Filmmakers Summit

This event takes place on the 18th and 19th May in Central London. It looks at every step of the process, discussing the more important aspects with our visiting industry experts. Tickets are available for the early bird price of £79.

Filmmakers across the world are creating extraordinary documentaries, reaching audiences, making both money and a name for themselves, sometimes even catalysing profound change in the way people behave. Continue reading

Job at Panasonic EU

From David Sleight and Helen McCarron

Assistant Product Manager, Imaging Marketing.

Assisting with the category management of Imaging products with a specific focus on Lumix G cameras. You will be responsible for creating and delivering an integrated activity plan designed to support the ambitious development of our range of system cameras and other imaging devices.Please send your details to or go to

Job Specification: Continue reading

TODAY: Postgraduate Event and Guest Lecture on Brayford campus

The Graduate School_JBYou can see and discuss the range of Postgraduate courses in the School of Media and School of Journalism today from 5pm in the Emmtec Foyer.  If you can’t make it today, 11th March 2013, you can find out about scholarships and details on PG study from Claire Mann.  Email Continue reading