Digital Photographer of the Year Awards

Enter the ‘Get Creative’ category in the Digital Photographer of the Year Awards for your chance to win amazing Samsung camera gear.

All you have to do is submit up to three examples of your best photo manipulation, HDR or photo editing work for a chance to scoop this awesome prize.


Karsten Siepp, class of 2007 (M.A)

Karsten at the alumni day 2010

It’s been three years since my graduation and now, the night before the first Alumni Day, I finally get around to post on the blog…

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Meet the Graduates: LSM AlumniFest 2010

In organising the first ever Lincoln School of Media’s ‘Meet the Graduates’ event I have sourced a variety of content from our alumni – from graduation day photos and shots at work to interviews with us in the studio and on location. As part of my Masters [in digital media] I decided to experiment with convergence in some media technological areas I had not done before. After trying to squeeze a lot of practice into a short space of time here is my digital mash up to promote the AlumniFest on Wed 10 Nov 2010.

Meet the Graduates: LSM AlumniFest 2010 from RWright on Vimeo.

Kirsty Walker, class of 2009

Kirsty Walker

My name’s Kirsty and I’m a 2009 graduate from the University of Lincoln with a 2:1 in Media Production. I loved every minute of my time there. I met some great people, I had the best nights out and most importantly I learned a great deal about making great productions. Continue reading