Chris Bingham, Class of 2011 | Vlogger on Uni lectures at NCH

ChristopherBingham_NCHvideoOur 2011 graduate Christopher Bingham, known as Bing, is a YouTube vlogger and comedian who was commissioned by New College of the Humanities (NCH) to produce an alternative view about University lectures. He said: As anyone who’s been working with YouTube for a while knows, operating on the channel prolifically involves getting a lot of offers from brands, but in this case I was able to really get behind the product.  I’m very passionate about learning, not just through higher education, but throughout every stage of life. I had a lot of fun working with NCH on producing a script that I know my audience will enjoy, but also that will help them to think about the merits of higher education.

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Darren Scales, Class of 2008 | The Drift by Backyard Productions

Darren-Scales_2008GradCongrats to indie filmmaker, 2008 grad and LSFM part-time lecturer, Darren Scales at Backyard Productions. After three years in the making … with a budget of £5,000 … the support of hundreds of volunteers … the premier of The Drift (2014) science-fiction feature film was on Saturday at the University of Lincoln. Reviews are coming in from Midlands Movies to ITV News.

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Student-mentee Bryony Hooper | Paid work with Industry Mentor

I was slightly late. On my first ever paid gig I was slightly late. The first Assistant Director (who also happens to be my mentor) called me to ask where I was. I arrived a couple of minutes before 8:30am when I was meant to be on set by 8:15am. I was upset at the fact I had just broken rule 1 of ‘never be late’ and slightly nervous as I hadn’t met any of the crew before apart from Jonathan Sidwell (my industry mentor) and slightly out of breath as I had basically just ran from Baker Street tube station to Marylebone. But the crew could not have been nicer. Nobody said anything about my lateness and Jonathan immediately introduced me to everyone there and got me straight to work. Making coffee.   BryonyHooper_workexperience_1

This is what I had expected the day to be. Running around fetching this, that and the other, maybe looking after a few divas, picking out all the green M&M’s. But apart from the first few jobs of make coffee, help this guy, help that guy, go find somewhere to get lunch from (where I had to ring my dad to Google maps of the area), I was stood around watching and learning most of the day. Which was amazing. I feel like I helped quite a bit and got to do an important job of audio playback and clapperboard. I also got to sit behind the director and watch his every move. I also feel like I impressed the crew quite a bit, I asked when I didn’t understand something. Then when I got asked to go on the set as a stand in, I asked if I should take my shoes off Continue reading

Kassie Bowen, Class of 2009 | Video Producer, Wanderlust FP

Kassie-Bowen_2009Grad5 years after graduating, I’m running my own business  (joint company director and video producer) and travelling the world filming.  We say Wanderlust FP is a production company based out of a backpack!  Here’s one of our latest videos produced for Audley Travel on Vietnam.

I completed my degree in 2009 with first class honours, something I worked really hard for. It didn’t come easy; I sacrificed a lot of nights out to get the grade but it was well worth it. I had planned to start my own business straight out of Uni but I ended up working on various productions large and small for other people, which was ultimately better as I learnt a lot from it. I made some great contacts through my R&D project, which meant I got to experience being on set for a big feature film Never Let Me Go (2010) with Keira Knightly.  Continue reading

Kingsley Tudor, Class of 2010 | Thunder Pig Creative Solutions

Kingsley-Tudor_2010Grad2010 media production graduate Kingsley Tudor shares his employment story: I left Lincoln in June 2010, not really sure of what I wanted to do. Within a few weeks I gained an interview with The Original Packshot company. I became a photographer in a new studio in Peterborough set up to photograph products for an international high street brand.

Over the next few years I worked my way through the ranks, culminating as the studio manager and head photographer. It was at this point that I realised my dreams had become diluted, I had gone from enjoying my work immensely to despising it, and lost all passion for the work. It came to pass that my other duties restricted me from shooting. I went from shooting still life and models 5 days a week to maybe once a month, if that.  The call to action came when my son was born in December 2013, I quickly realised how much time I spent out of the house, often a 12/14 hour day. I didn’t want to miss anything so in January 2014 the idea of Thunder Pig was realised. Between myself and my business partner, Samuel Smith, the next 8 months were spent in preparation for launch. We spent a long time working on a business plan and funding came through in late July. Continue reading

Doctor Who: Anatomy of a Hit | RTS event by student Bryony Hooper

Doctor doctor-who-anatomy-hit

Image from RTS webpage:

It was Friday night and I got a direct message on Twitter, I heard the notification on my phone but I ignored it as it was raining and I was on my way home. Once I had got in I looked at my phone and it turned out I had won a pair of tickets to Doctor Who: Anatomy of a Hit in London (for 11 Nov)! I do admit I had a fan girl moment. I had only entered on the off chance and I had actually won. Now to spend more money – buying train tickets.  It was Tuesday, the day had finally arrived. I got my train down to London, met my Dad (who I had given the other ticket to) and we were off. WE walk past The Guardian building, which felt like an honour in itself somehow, and arrived at 90 York Way. We walked in and there was a queue to go downstairs so we waited, for what felt like forever. Then finally a woman gave the signal and we went down. For some reason everyone who I thought was there for business got up and followed us down, mainly middle aged men, I only saw 2 people that were dressed head to toe in Doctor Who gear who I would class as hard core whovians, weird.  As we were registering 2 people came round dressed as monsters from the show. I got some brilliant pictures of them!

Then finally we were allowed in. The scene was brilliant; a weeping angel and a dalek were on stage. I got a seat, 5 rows from the front right in the middle. Then Moffat came on and my life was complete. Continue reading

Free Careers Fair 10.30am-3.00pm | 26 November at The Engine Shed

FindYourFeet_CareersFair_Logo_cropped_20Nov2013Invitation to a FREE Careers Fair for all students at the University of Lincoln: THIS Wednesday, 26th Nov, from 10:30am to 3:00pm Careers and Employability’s annual Find Your Feet careers fair will play host to over 60 employers in The Engine Shed.

Attending a graduate fair is one of the best ways to start planning your career, whether you are a 1st, 2nd, final year or postgraduate student – our fair is there for all your career needs!  Find information on graduate careers in areas such as recruitment processes to hints and tips on how to make a successful application or simply use this as an opportunity to network with employers and companies face to face.

What will the fair have to offer? Graduate Careers; Volunteering Opportunities; and a CV Clinic. Employers Attending  |  Know the Employer  |  What to Ask  |  What to Wear   |  CV Clinic |  There’ll also be Postgraduate/MA talks. The Lincoln School of Film & Media PG Information Talk is in the Library, first floor in UL110 at 1.30pm-2.00pm.  Continue reading

Alex O’Brien, Class of 2014 | Work Placement at Azimuth Post

Alex-O'Brien_APGrad2014Recent audio production graduate Alex O’Brien shares her week’s work experience in London with Azimuth Post Production:  I found Azimuth on Twitter and have followed them for a good few months now. I don’t know why it took me so long to enquire about a work placement but I wish I’d done it sooner. I emailed on the Sunday and had a reply first thing Monday morning offering me a week long placement. So I spent the next how many ever weeks working hard as a kitchen assistant, saving every penny I earned.  What did I get up to? I spent my week as a runner. Making tea, coffee and toast, fetching the odd Starbucks and doing the odd lunch run round Soho. We’ve all heard the runner horror stories but I found it to be quite the opposite. I loved every minute of it.  

Azimuth’s clients are all lovely, busy people who found the time to talk to me. I was on more than one occasion greeted with “Oh, you’re new!” and the conversation started there. I was asked what I was doing, what I had been doing, what my interests were and where I wanted to be. The amount of advice I got from just 5 minutes with a client has been absolute gold and I can’t thank them enough for that.  Continue reading

Emily Milne, Class of 2012 | Account Executive at Tricker PR

Emily-Milne_2012Grad After graduating in 2012 I moved to Glasgow to make a name for myself. Several million film and tv company interviews later I had no such luck. I was still doing the usual work as a waitress to make ends meet which made it harder with twelve hour shifts and no social life. I had to then move back home to the Silver City (Aberdeen) where I had to get a shop job. For those of you that don’t know, Aberdeen is where everything (but oil and hairdressing) comes to die. I worked my way to supervisor, again working awful hours and no social life to speak of. I hit the streets and my macbook sending CVs everywhere that I could. Eventually I got picked up by a little company with a big presence, Tricker PR. I am working as their account executive and let me tell you, it has never been so fun. Every day is different. Continue reading

Ash Knight, Class of 2009 | Update on Knightvisions Productions

AshKnight_knightvisions-productions-logo2009 alumnus Ash Knight is busy as usual as a Media Producer and Director at Knightvisions Productions. It’s a video production indie and for the last few months Ash has been developing the focus of his company, as you’ll see at his updated KVP site. He said: I am motivated by producing unique, refined, artistic content that culturally educates and inspires my audience.

For example last month: “Knightvisions Productions provided camera-crew and production support to Ed Cole Photography on the mini-documentary Catching the Light … Ed seeks out what he considers to be the optimal conditions for catching a great photograph.”

Knightvisions Productions  |  Follow Ash on Twitter  |  Ash’s blog posts