Meet the Graduates 2014 | Where Are They Now?

20-years-media-graduates-logoWe’ve a series of clips this week from Meet the Graduates 2014. In the first piece you can find out where some of our alumni are now. Head of Lincoln School of Media, Sarah Barrow, officially introduced MtG 2014. It was a special occasion because it was one of the School’s event to mark 20 years of media at the University of Lincoln.  Meet the Grads was bigger than ever. Over 30 alumni attended (see who we spotted, names are below the video) the networking event between our students and graduates. Many thanks to you all for making, and marking, MtG 2014!

Alumni Stuart Lutes (Class of 2001), Adam Verity (Class of 2002), Zoe Easey (Class of 2007), Phil Stevens (Class of 2010), Holly Smith (class of 2010) and Stephen Bernard (Class of 2013) were on ‘Graduate Question Time’. LSM’s student crew, via New Media Lincs, Year 2 Rory McCarney, Year 3 Kirsty Gibson and Kamil Rewers captured the popular Networking & Graduate Question Time.

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LSM’s Andrew Elliott on his book ‘The Return Of The Epic Film’

The Return Of The Epic Film Genre, Aesthetics and History in the 21st Century_Andrew-Elliott_onAmazon

On Amazon by Edinburgh University Press, 2014

Many congrats to Dr. Andrew Elliott, Senior Lecturer at the University of Lincoln School of Media, on his latest book ‘The Return Of The Epic Film: Genre, Aesthetics and History in the 21st Century’ (Edinburgh University Press, 2014). Andrew’s edited a collection of essays by those in the film and history fields. 

He’s done an interview with The Economist and said “it’s great having to explain research this way. It was fun!” He talked about the epic film from its heyday to the part CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) has played in the genre’s comeback. Here is an extract: 

“What would you say are the key elements that make a film an “epic”, rather than, say, an adventure movie?  There are as many definitions of epic as there are film critics to come up with them, so I hesitate to try to offer a complete definition of my own. However, I think what most people understand by the term today is not only a historical setting (though for me that is important), but something to do with size and expense, as well as the scope of the narrative settings and the size of the cast. Continue reading

Be part of ‘The Banks Endeavour’ film project – IndieGoGo

Sir JosephBanks-Endeavour_IndieGoGo_May2014LSM Senior Lecturer Chris Hainstock has an update about ‘The Banks Endeavour’ to bring Sir Joseph Banks to life in film.  The project is spearheaded by our 2010 graduates, Philip Stevens and Sam Wardhan, at Red Dog Film and its crowdfunding campaign to raise £100,000 starts TODAY!  Red Dog Film: “Our Joseph Banks film will tell the story of this remarkable Lincolnshire man who was the President of the Royal Society for more than 40 years, who took part on the famous first European voyage to Australia with Captain Cook and was the most pre-eminent British scientist of the late eighteenth century, but who remains relatively unknown in the UK today.  We really appreciate your interest in our film project, and we would like to invite you to become part of this exciting opportunity to tell this extraordinary man’s extraordinary story, you can find out more here.  Chris said:

A private event hosted by the Sir Joseph Banks Society at The Collection this evening marked the end of the exhibition that Sir David Attenborough opened back in February.  The team behind the film along with the Sir Joseph Banks Society launched the crowd funding campaign for the Banks Endeavour project tonight. With Sir David Attenborough and other respected experts, the film will be a ‘featured’ IndieGoGo project, and this fundraising site has started promoting it already.  I have now edited a short fund-raising film, to support the project:

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Congrats Emily Mullender Class of 2013 at Red Bee Media / BBC TV

Emily-Mullender_2013GradI graduated in Media Production – specialising in Single Cam – from LSM last year. After 3 or so months of the hell that is job hunting and a couple of unsuccessful interviews, I finally landed an interview with Red Bee Media in London. The position advertised was Media Assistant but came with no job description so I didn’t actually find out what it was until I started! Red Bee is one of the largest playout and channel management businesses in the UK, providing services to a number of broadcasters including BBC, Channel 4, UKTV, BT Sport and Channel 5. They provide services such as playout, media management, creative services, access services (subtitling and audio description) and content discovery. It’s basically the broadcasting ‘behind the scenes’ side of television.

So I had quite an intense ‘competency test’ based interview in November and was called a few hours later with the offer of a job, to start the following week. Continue reading

Calling Creatives! Networking Event | 7th May at 7pm | The Shed

Hannah Agutter, LSM Media Production Level 3 student, invites you to the second Creative Networking Event in Lincoln for students and alumni.

Creative Networking Event_7May2014The event’s by Slamming Door Productions (Hannah is the Producer) and Electrical Tape (LSM alumni Nathan Dean, Stephen Fisher and Samuel Clarke).  They say it’s “THE chance for creative people to meet other creative people in Lincoln.” Register here!

LSM 2007 graduates Zoe Easey and Will King from Epix Media will be going to the event.  They said “we’re hiring!” for a full-time junior web developer and a graphic designer. More on Epix Media’s site here.


Postgraduate Networking Event for Alumni & Students on 14th May

How about doing a Masters? You can see the postgraduate courses at LSM here! Students and our graduates can come along and talk to academics at a free event to find out about all the MA courses at the College of Arts. Head of LSM and Acting Dean of the College of Arts, Dr. Sarah Barrow, said: “All the evidence and statistics show that those with a Masters degree are likely to do better in the media in the long run.”


The University of Lincoln’s Postgraduate Recruitment Event will be on Wednesday 14th May in EMMTEC. It will be for current students and alumni. Apparently “it’s a kind of speed dating event, but recruiting rather than dating!”   Forty presentations in just one day. 10-minute presentations from every PG programme in the College of Arts. You’ll find help with your postgraduate application form; advice on fees, funding and scholarships.   For example “the alumni scholarship – all Lincoln grads get 30% off the standard PGT fee!” Continue reading

Research Project led by LSM Andrew Elliott with Lincoln Cathedral

A collaborative project called ‘Crowd-Curated History’ will preserve community memories of Lincoln Cathedral and it will be led by Lincoln School of Media’s Senior Lecturer Dr. Andrew Elliott.  Marie Daniels from the University of Lincoln’s Press Officer shared the story.

Lincoln Cathedral_fromUniPOA project involving researchers at the University of Lincoln and the team at Lincoln Cathedral will see members of the public using a new Smartphone application to preserve and share their memories of events associated with local historic sites.  The Crowd-Curated History project, being led by academics from Media, Computer Science and History subject areas at the University of Lincoln, UK, will enable visitors to Lincoln Cathedral, and other local historic sites, to contribute their stories to the body of knowledge about exhibits, objects and places. Continue reading

LSM’s Mentoring Pilot by Student-Mentee Rosie Turner

In February this year I was selected to be part of the Lincoln School of Media’s Mentoring pilot, where students across Media, Audio and Film & Television were matched with a mentor within the creative and media-related industries to give us guidance about the area that we wanted to get into.  Being a Media Production student with a particular interest in Television I was matched with LSM’s 2006 alumnus Katy Atkinson, Director of ‘The Reporters’ Academy – it works with young people, training them how to report and interview with a particular eye to sport. Katy and The Reporters’ Academy were the first youth group to be granted a press pass for the London 2012 Olympics, where the team covered the event alongside such big names as the BBC.

Rosie-Turner_MediaCityKaty: “I am pleased to say we have made great progress.  Our main thrust is to find Rosie experience, to project her ahead of other candidates and allow her to gain a better insight into what route she might like to pursue upon graduating. Rosie realises that her career journey has already begun.”  As part of the LSM mentoring, we meet regularly with our mentors. My lovely mentor Katy very kindly invited me up to MediaCityUK in Manchester for the afternoon for our second meeting this April.  I have visited Manchester before but never been to the newly built MediaCity… and I was amazed. Continue reading

Mentoring Pilot at LSM

Our media mentoring is an initiative between the Lincoln School of Media and the University of Lincoln Careers & Employability Service. The mentoring pilot is part of our successful LSM Network, which you probably know created this blog and started ‘Meet the Graduates’ to name just a couple of things managed by the network. The LSM has always been keen for our alumni to be part of our activities and events. The media mentoring pilot is another strand to enhance our link between industry and academia as we celebrate twenty years of media students into graduates. Thanks to all our mentors, majority of the twenty or so are our alumni, and student-mentees. We’re looking forward to hearing how the mentoring is going, so please share your experiences here! We’ll be reviewing the pilot’s progress later in the year. Our media mentoring was launched the morning of Meet the Graduates in February 2014.  LSM’s student crew, via New Media Lincs was Year 2 Rory McCarney, Year 3 Kirsty Gibson and Kamil Rewers, captured this summary about our mentoring pilot.

LSM Headspace| Great Minds Lecture with Ken Scott | 30 April 2014

Headspace_LSM2014Headspace is a joint LSM radio and audio networking event where students can meet industry professionals (some are our graduates) from presenters to podcasters, composers to recordists, as well as a sound artist, drama production co-ordinator and our Visiting Professor Trevor Dann.  It’s an opportunity to talk to all the guests during short informal sessions, within small groups. The idea is to talk directly with all guests about any aspect of careers and make new contacts, To see if there are any spaces this Wednesday, between 11am and 3pm, you must email Louise at LSM: record producer/engineer Ken Scott’s talk will be taking place as part of the ‘Great Minds’ Lecture Series on Wednesday 30th April 2014 at 6pm [seated at 5.45pm] in the EMMTEC lecture theatre, University of Lincoln. Principal Lecturer at LSM Bryan Rudd said: This man is a legend in the music industry and is simply too good to miss. I urge you (students and staff) to book a place as soon as possible! To be at this event you will need to reserve a place in advance with  Continue reading