LSFM Degree Shows 2015 | Screenings and Websites

AnimationDegreeShow2015-posterThe Animation Degree Show screening will be 12noon today (3rd June) at the Odeon in Lincoln. 

See what University of Lincoln Degree Shows are  running this month.  Here are some LSFM’s final year students’ work on-campus and online:



CLM Degree Show 2015 is on the Brayford Pool campus until 5th June from 10am to 4pm.  It’s at AAD – Art, Architecture and Design Building West.

The Contemporary Lens Media exhibition website is called Quadrivium.  


The LSFM DEGREE SHOW 2015 site is for Media Production, Photography, Audio Production, Film and Television. 

You’ll  need to click on a circle and choose a genre (for example Script, Design, Digital), so do have a spin! Continue reading

Lucy Bick, Student Work Experience | Marie Claire Magazine

LucyBick_MagazineMockup-Page18-19Graduand Lucy Bick has posted about her week’s work experience (during Easter) with Marie Claire magazine. This opportunity inspired her when she created her own magazine (pictured on the left) as part of a final portfolio. CLM Degree Show runs until 5 June and you can view Lucy’s page on its exhibition site:

Throughout my three years here studying CLM Contemporary Lens Media (Photography and Video) I LucyBick_CLMGranduand_31.05.2015have found that my passion within photography is the post production side of it, rather than taking the actual photographs. I much prefer the editing of my images and then creating different layouts with my photographs in my sketchbooks.  I have always known that I wanted to work for a magazine but I was unsure of all the different areas within a magazine and what they do.  Back in February we had a guest lecturer and a 2013 CLM graduate, Hannah Wilson, who came to give a talk on her work with the art department at Look magazine. From this talk I had much more of an understanding of the different areas within a magazine, and knew that the art department was the area which best suited me. Not long after Hannah’s visit, she passed me on some details of who to get in touch with at Marie Claire to apply for the opportunity of a week’s work experience. Continue reading

co_LAB @ Web We Want Festival | Southbank Centre 29–31 May

web-we-want_logoFrom Deputy Head of LSFM Richard Vickers: Students and academics from the University of Lincoln will be taking part in the Web We Want Festival at the Southbank Centre, 29–31 May, as part of the School of Film & Media co_LAB research group. The Web We Want festival is investigating the past 25 years of the Web and its possible future. The festival is inspired by the work of Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web and produced in partnership with Sir Tim’s World Wide Web Foundation.

co_LAB_brain-dump_May2015The co_LAB team is running an intensive interdisciplinary workshop (21-28 May) in Lincoln, designed to bring together students from across all the three colleges within the University. The call for participants was aimed at Level 2 students and resulted in students from the School of Film and Media (College of Arts), School of Computer Science (College of Science) and School of Psychology (College of Social Science) collaborating together on a core brief.  Continue reading

LSFM Degree Show 30 May 2015 | University of Lincoln (UK)

LSFM Degree Show 2015 for final year students’ work will be open free to the public at the University of Lincoln from Saturday 30 May. See trail, which was edited by third year undergraduate Thomas Faulkner with music by Audio Production students Bobby Jones and Jack Bartley.

Continue reading

Steph Marshall, Graduand | Trainee Executive, Papillon PR

It is only one week on from my final hand-in of three amazing years of Film and Television at the University of Lincoln School of Film & Media, and Monday was my first day of my first graduate job, which is strangely not in film or television. Although I still love the media industry, somewhere during my first year I started to develop an interest in PR and marketing, so rather than panic about being on the wrong degree course (which admittedly, I did for a while), I began to put into place the experience and the skills that would lead me into that industry. I am a Trainee Accounts Executive at Papillon PR.

Last year I was among the first batch of students to take part in the LSFM mentoring scheme, which was an invaluable experience and one that I would urge all LSFM students to undertake if they can. The mentor I was paired with was Jez Ashberry, director of Shooting Star PR in Lincoln, and we had regular correspondence offering industry advice and alike, which then led into a two-week work experience placement at the company.

What really got me the job at Papillon was not my degree subject, or even my grade classification (which I don’t even get for another 6 weeks!), it was my CV. Continue reading

Sound event! Headspace 6.5.2015

HEADSPACE is an on-campus radio and audio social industry event organised by LSFM Senior Lecturer Zara Healy. 100 places are especially for our radio and audio production students. HURRY places are on a first come basis!  Email Louise by 1st May: and add HEADSPACE in the subject title.  

Our graduates who’re working in audio production and radio along with other industry pros will answer your questions on Wednesday 6th May. See the industry line-up of guests on the poster for this sound networking opportunity. Continue reading

Creative Careers Week for Students | 26th-29th May 2015

CreativeCareersWeek_May2015 The University of Lincoln Careers and Employability Team has organised FREE events for our students in the College of Arts during Creative Careers Week. Find out about going freelance, job-hunting strategies and postgraduate opportunities. Also try mock job interviews and get an insight into the assessments used by employers. See the range of events about career options from Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th May and it’s best to REGISTER NOW! 

Event organisers said: We recommend that students from the College of Arts attend at least three sessions to get full value from the week. This can also be counted towards your Lincoln Award chosen and academic approved activities. You need to be a student currently studying at the University of Lincoln to attend this week. If you have questions regarding the events please email Helen McCarron

During the Creative Careers Week, The Prince’s Trust will be running its popular Exploring Enterprise workshops about self-employment (27th – 29th May). Our 2006 graduate, at The Prince’s Trust, Jimmy Gregory said booking is essential: Continue reading

LSFM Student Opps: International Mentoring & Filmmaking Project

International Buddy Scheme 1Senior Lecturer Marcella Forster initiated our School’s International Buddy Scheme (picked by the University of Lincoln Student Engagement Innovation Fund 2014) and currently she is recruiting for another batch of LSFM Student Mentors (to start in September 2015).  Marcella said: First and second years from all programmes in LSFM (international students are particularly welcome) can apply. The aim is to provide peer support to our international students during their first year in LSFM. You will be trained in mentoring and cross-cultural awareness. This qualifies for the Lincoln Award. Email for details and an application form. Applications MUST be returned to me by 23rd March. 

LookingChina2014_Luke-Winter_Zhong ShanPark2If you are interested in making films in CHINA this July, here is a great student opportunity to apply for – it is called Looking China 2015.  

Deadline 17 April 2015 | Email your application form to | More info from either Sarah Barrow or Brian Winston Continue reading

Maria Blackstone, Student Work Experience | BBC Good Food Mag

Maria Blackstone_cropped_L3student_March2015I was lucky enough to gain work experience for two weeks with BBC Good Food Magazine. I have always wanted to get a job with BBC Good Food Magazine, ever since my mum started receiving the subscription. My mum taught me to cook at a young age, and it has been something that my passion has grown and grown for. I attended a ten week Junior Chef Academy course at Westminster College when I was younger, and really loved it. I have since set up my food blog where I write up my own recipes and photograph them, channelling my knowledge learnt from my degree course in Contemporary Lens Media (Photography and Video) at LSFM.

The work experience involved me doing desk jobs including sorting through all the newspapers and extracting anything food related, filing, and researching products for their features. I also costed some recipes, which I found really interesting, something that will be useful for me when writing my food blog. However the part that interested me, and excited me most was working in the test kitchen and working on the photoshoots. In the test kitchen I got to test recipes and simply just cook and taste. Continue reading

The Drift (2014) | Wins Excellence Award at IndieFEST Film in LA

TheIndieFEST-Film_Awards-logocroppedCongrats to our 2008 graduate, an independent filmmaker and LSFM part-time lecturer Darren Scales for winning an Excellence Award at The IndieFEST Film Awards, in Los Angeles, for The Drift (2014).  Darren aBackyard Productions UK directed and produced the science-fiction feature film, which was made over three years on a low budget of £5,000 and with a high number of willing volunteers (100!).  He said: 

Darren-Scales_2008-GradI am so pleased that The Drift has won this award, more so because of the fantastic contribution made by the crew, many of them from the University of Lincoln – at this School. It just goes to show that hard work and motivation pays off, now with an LA award, even when you have a tiny budget! The charitable indie is currently looking for distribution: