Aleysha Minns, Class of 2013 | Film, Key Locations Assistant

Aleysha Minns, Class of 2013 Intern at Warp Films

I genuinely cannot believe it has been over 4 years since I graduated from Lincoln, time has definitely flown by. As always, it’s been another eventful year for me in the world of feature films. In just over a year, I have gone from being a Locations Trainee to Key Locations Assistant on some of the biggest films currently being made in the UK. My involvement in these are still under wraps and I can’t wait for them to hit cinema (one is due in just over a month!)

In other news, LSFM Mentoring: my 4th mentee finished her final year and did incredibly well! I’m very proud of Hannah Darby and she is definitely going to go far. I shall hopefully be meeting my 5th mentee very soon. I have also been selected as one of 50 people to join the HETV Connect scheme based around High-End Drama recruitment, sponsored by and Creative Skillset. Continue reading

Dave Clancy, Class of 2007 | My Career Update

DaveClancy-2007GradI can’t believe over four years have passed since my last update. As ever, loads has happened since then! Recently, I have returned to freelance life, after spending over five and a half years working at Linney Create, a rapidly expanding film production and digital agency based in Mansfield.

My time there was a real rollercoaster, working with a dedicated team of camera operators, producers, editors and writers to create around 400-plus films a year for clients ranging from Royal Mail to Triumph motorbikes. I was lucky enough to travel the world and work on some fantastic projects whilst at Linney, and really developed my own technical, creative and managerial skills. During my time at Linney I worked as a camera operator, editor, producer and also led the team of up to four in-house camera operators – a real juggling act! I also completed the required training and assessments to be granted permissions from the CAA to operate drones commercially – it was very exciting to be at the cutting edge of this new technology. My latest showreel demonstrates the variety of films I worked on during this time.

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Sean Strange, Class of 2013 | 360 Film Production, Mission Room

SeanStrange-360FilmProduction&delivery I graduated in BA (Hons) Media Production in 2013. I currently work for Mission Room Ltd as a specialist in 360 film production and delivery. I have produced films for Network Rail, Transport for London, a number of Universities across the country and recently created the new visitor experience in Cheddar Gorge, ‘Beyond the View‘.

I also freelance as a videographer and photographer for The Lincolnite. I was awarded an Associates of the Royal Photographic Society distinction for my work this year.  Continue reading

Gemma Lowe, Class of 2012 | Career in Communications

IGemmaLowe-2017pic’ve been following the LSFM blog and it is great to see what everyone has been up to since graduating; it seems a long time ago since I was the one wearing the gown in 2012 and it is amazing how much can happen in in five years! I have worked in a number of roles since graduation, some that were directly linked to where I am now and some that helped me get here even though I didn’t know it at the time.

Following the school radio project in the third year of my Media Production degree, I’ve had an interest in education. Initially, I wasn’t sure how I could combine this with my interest in media but I decided to just take any opportunities that came my way and see where I ended up! Continue reading

Mentoring | Industry and LSFM, Lincoln School of Film & Media

LSFM Mentoring is a unique way to link industry with selected undergraduates. Thanks very much to volunteer mentors from the world of work who make time to support our final year or level 2 students in an academic year.  Each mentor brings their experience of the job market to help our students, during their course, as they plan goals and pursue passions for a career. In the past our mentors and mentees have explored everything from work opportunities to discussing dissertations. Pairs are in contact at least 6 times across semesters, so may be around 6-12 hours during the academic year. Contact time is flexible and pairs choose how to meet: face-to-face, talking on the phone, having a web chat or using other online platforms.

Mentors are offered an induction to mentoring, written guidelines and thereafter student-mentee liaises with mentor. Interested in being a media mentor? Then read the introduction and you can download the form to register your interest anytime: LSFM Mentoring_Introduction  |  LSFM_MENTOR_Registration-Form

Our industry mentors are freelancers to company directors and work across the media sector in animation; audio; communications; design; digital marketing; filmmaking; photography; radio; social media; teaching; technology; and TV. Continue reading

Meet the Graduates | 8th Nov 2017 LSFM Networking Event

Meet-the-Graduates-logo-1024x435Here’s your invitation to Meet the Graduates (MtG) 2017 alumni network event between our former and current students. Head of Lincoln School of Film & Media Professor Steven Peacock posted: We hope you’ll join LSFM on the afternoon of Wednesday 8th November 2017 at Brayford Pool campus for the great gathering between our graduates and students. I’d like to meet you, so hope we can connect at MtG.

MtG 2017 will be in the Stephen Langton Building. Our network event will start at 12.30pm with a buffet lunch for alumni. At 2pm LSFM students will have the opportunity for an audience with alumni at the popular, frank, Graduate Question Time. From 3.30pm there’ll be a networking session; one-to-one between students, fellow grads and staff over a drinks reception. Alumni will also have the chance to see developments at the School, so let us know if you’d like a tour. RSVP by 30th Oct via email:

Dani Moseley, Class of 2007 | Multimedia Career update

Actors HeadshotsDani Moseley’s creative career has clocked up ten years from acting (film & TV) to award winning script writing, as well as modelling and facilitating workshops, after graduating in media production. She’s one of our inspirational industry mentors and also, er, our annual blogger! It’s nearly been a year already since I last posted in … Meet the Graduates was great. Lovely meeting some of you and my mentee, who I have been in contact with all year and glad to hear she’s applying for as many things as she sees fit regardless of the outcome, as you just never know.

LA and New York were amazing. Got management out there before I even landed, which was cool. It was just nice to be there, by myself, seeing how life could be. It was the first time in a long while that I got to solely focus on my acting and it was heavenly. Did a few auditions, signed up to a few casting sites out there, caught up with my agent who I met early that year and we’re still very much in-tune with each other which is great. Continue reading

LSFM Student Opportunity | Industry Mentoring is OPEN

LSFM_Mentoring-LOGOOPEN NOW! Lincoln School of Film & Media undergraduates can APPLY for LSFM Industry Mentoring (2017-18). Our superb School-Industry opportunity is for TWENTY selected students to be mentored by a professional who volunteer their time from the world of work. Currently our mentors are working in BBC TV, radio, film, & audio production, at Hello! magazine, in photography and in multimedia jobs from social media to scriptwriting/acting. This call-out is for LSFM Year 1 & Year 2 students from animation, audio production, film & TV, media production and photography to register. Please download and complete this LSFM_MENTORING-Student-Form(26May)2017-18 by Friday 26th May 2017.

Remember there are ONLY 20 student places for the new academic year. So please return your form to Louise Lawlor via email before 2nd June 2017. Louise’s email:  If you’re selected as a student-mentee you must be available to attend the 1-hour induction on-campus. It’ll be on a Wednesday afternoon from 4pm to 5pm (likely to be between Week 5 and Week 8) in Semester A, 2017-2018.  Continue reading

Jo Ashman, Class of 2002 | Freelance TV Producer/Director

JoAshman-pic1It seems almost unbelievable to me, that’s it’s been around 15 years since I graduated from Lincoln. 15 years was once an impossibly long time frame, and being 35 … well let’s face it, who wants to think about being in their mid-thirties when they’ve just graduated?!  Well I can honestly say, now I’m here, I’m loving it.  I’m currently a freelance producer / director, based in Bristol, doing the job of my dreams.

I just about scraped a 2:1 degree, BA (Hons) in Media Production.  We were the first graduates to do the course and have University of Lincoln on our certificates. I knew it would be tough to break into the industry, and I think I sent my CV to almost any company I could find.  In those early months I did my fair share of work experience and runner jobs, just to get any experience under my belt.  But for me, I desperately wanted to go into wildlife filmmaking, and to do that was going to be even harder.  Several conversations had left me under no illusions that the only people who were successful in this field, were those with a scientific degree, not media…   I was getting frustrated and despondent by the whole system, so when a friend called to say he was going to trek to Everest Base Camp, I jumped at the chance to join him, and spent the next few months travelling across Central Asia and Russia.  I’d recommend time out travelling alone or with friends to anyone, it certainly gave me the time to really evaluate what I wanted.  Strangely it also taught me to trust my instincts, and that’s something I still completely rely on in my job today, particularly in stressful filming situations. Continue reading

LSFM Meet the Grads Network Event | 2nd Nov @2pm in SLB

Around 20 alumni will be on-campus to connect with our students at Meet the Graduates. The event’s a great student opportunity to share experiences and make industry contacts.  Take your theatre seat for the Q&A at 2pm then network in the Stephen Langton Building (SLB). Mingle … collaborate … share – and have fun!MtG-POSTER_2Nov2016Poster images: Jack Shelbourn (Class of 2010), Lecturer/DoP | Ellen Jackson (Class of 2011), Videographer | Dani Moseley (Class of 2007), Performer/Scriptwriter | Jack McQuone, (Class of 2015) Photographer/Creative Crew Fnatic |  Daniel J. Layton (Class of 2012), YouTuber/Actor