Mentoring | LSFM and Industry

LSFM Mentoring is a unique way to link industry with selected undergraduates. Thanks to volunteer mentors from the world of work who make time to support our final year or level 2 students in an academic year.  Each mentor brings their unique experience of the job market to help our students, during their course, as they plan goals and pursue passions for a career. In the past our mentors and mentees have explored everything from work opportunities to discussing dissertations. Pairs are in contact at least 6 times across semesters, so may be around 6-12 hours during the academic year. Contact time is flexible and pairs choose how to meet: face-to-face, talking on the phone, having a web chat or using other online platforms.

Mentors are offered an induction to mentoring, written guidelines and thereafter the student-mentee liaises with their mentor. If you’re interested in being a mentor, read the introduction to mentoring and download the form to register your interest anytime: LSFM Mentoring_Introduction  |  LSFM_MENTOR_Registration-Form

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